Friday, May 13, 2011

Which Has Low Maintenance Cost Inkjet Or Laser


Por Uriel Flores Aguayo

Querámoslo o no, a fuerza de inercias y costumbres, se abre cada vez de manera más clara el panorama electoral nacional del 2012. Las tendencias caminan hacia una confrontación and presidential dispute between the PRI and the left, leaving aside, thirdly, the PAN party, now, is going down, is a breeze, yet still having to pay a high political cost for the disaster and Calderon's misrule.
The Mexican left should and can be competitive and choice of government next year. To achieve this requires the unity and the participation of three parties, PRD, PT and convergence of personalities, as Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, and social movements is also essential to have a single candidate.
What is envisaged is that of the two candidates available to express the left is Andres Manuel Lopez workshop was reserved for Ebrard nominations for the City and the Senate for him and for his team. The debates and polls are welcome but will be processed.

can say with absolute seriousness, not sectarian passions that this is still the time of López Obrador and he should be the candidate of the left. Leaving for a bit after his errors and defects make a simple statement of the strengths of the famous "Peje" has the sympathy of many millions of Mexicans who see him as a victim of fraud in 2006 and granted moral authority, we believe, has been persistent and has held many activities that put you in contact with many citizens, has a negligible base sympathies, their strongholds, since it is perceived as an honest person, who has not wavered and has clear ideas and proposals.
Unlike traditional politicians, including Ebrard, AMLO is promoting a project of profound social and political transformations, which are only possible with radical measures, ruptures and breaks in the dominant system. Against unjust country and simulation in which we live is not enough to just change alternating names and colors, without going further. Mexico requires democracy, strong state, freedom, rule of institutions and laws, and equality.
AMLO's bet, I agree with her politics is against monopolies, the powers and the parasitic political class, whose vices and excesses are plural. No arguments yet mean that we Obrador is Chavez and Lula, Ebrard. Besides the lack of respect for AMLO echo dirty war no one explains what is Brazil, in which we can compare and what we can learn. No longer a populist appeal and ocurrencial. The same happens when it is stressed that the middle classes only support a "gentlemen", whether right or left.

The direct address of "Peje", you know that telling the truth makes one suspect of being radical, I answer with a little campaign that seeks to ridicule as a person insane. It is logical that the powerful and their propagandists wish to present it well, which is pathetic is that anyone can be said of left and hold those silly argument. In this second chance
AMLO and his movement have to excel in transparency and self-criticism. Must review their structures, exaggerated centralism that coordinate, not to reduce their contact popular mass events, crush with a silly and offensive speech, because it is what you are saying the problem is how you say, and give certainty and confidence political operators base.

Recadito: Tour "Peje" in Veracruz: 20 in Coatzacoalcos, 21 in the Port, 25 in Xalapa and June 1 in Poza Rica.

Enríquez Xalapa Veracruz, May 13, 2011.


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