The President, Felipe Calderon launched the implementation of the National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools, known as ENLACE test, a ceremony in which it endorsed the commitment of his government improve the quality of education through this evaluation process.
At the ceremony, held at the Primary School President Miguel German Urban Center "of the nation's capital, Secretary of Public Education, Maestro Alonso Lujambio, said that for the sixth consecutive year and seamlessly apply this evaluation mechanism for parents, school and society at large aware of the status of the national education system. Lujambio
Master said that from now until May 27th will be held this test to 16 million 251 thousand 478 students of primary and secondary schools throughout the country, which in addition assessment of subjects in English and Mathematics, this year the extra stuff is geography, which concludes the cycle of additional subjects.
also added that for the first time involves members of the Social Participation School Councils to monitor the transparency of the process.
For his part, Executive Secretary General of the National Executive Committee of the National Union of Education Workers, Rafael Ochoa Guzmán said that raising the quality of education is an imperative, so that teachers and teachers to fully assume the their responsibility and if other active agents of change.
Also present at this ceremony, the President of the Education Commission of the Senate, María Teresa Ortuño Gurza, the President of the National Union of Parents, Consuelo Mendoza, the President of the National Federation of Parents' Associations Family, Leopoldo García, the President of the Social Participation School Council, Carballido Audé Suarez, Coordinator of the Implementation of the ENLACE test, Rosa Ileana Cortés and the chief borough of Benito Juarez, Mario Alberto Palacios, among others.
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