Friday, May 13, 2011

License.dat Matlab 2007

Huatusco, Ver 13 May 2011
The twenty-five agents and sub agents Huatusco municipal municipality, were trained by the Municipal System for the Integral Development Family Huatusco. In order to show the performance of each department, on instructions from the president of DIF Baldinucci Tejeda Colorado, representatives of communities and localities belonging to Huatusco received information from each of the municipal officials is at the forefront of various areas that make DIF.

was in the media room, where the meeting was held which lasted about three hours, each operative in the various departments explained to the agents and sub agents municipal functions, process and efforts being made in each coordination.
With attention and showing their doubts and concerns the legal representatives of the municipalities began a series of questions which were answered immediately and clear for each of the speakers.
For its part, the director of DIF Huatusco, Sonia Ameca Acolt, manifestó su beneplácito de iniciar esta nueva era de trabajo con los recién nombrados agentes y sub agentes municipales, les manifestó su deseo de trabajar en forma coordinada, buscando siempre el beneficio para los pobladores.
Ameca Acolt, indicó que el trabajo en conjunto, de manera ordenada y directa será el punto principal para que los habitantes de las distintas comunidades del municipio reciban los recursos, programas y apoyos de forma inmediata y con suma transparencia “ necesitamos el apoyo de todos ustedes, queremos trabajar de manera global , sin intereses de ninguna índole, los recursos tienen que llegar para todos los habitantes, principalmente los mas necesitados , no queremos que haya distinction, which is why the collaboration of all of you will be very important to manage all the benefits clearly "
The meeting was attended by the president of DIF Huatusco Baldinucci Colorado and Sonia Tejeda Ameca Acolt, director the institution, and Tomás García Galicia and Zilli Zoreida Food Basurto, Elvira Rivera Marini of Social Work and Care for the Elderly, Nahum Teoba Trujillo of the Office for Children and Families Indigenous Alejandro Serrato Gasperín the area of \u200b\u200bgeneral medicine and Armando Alvarado Hernandez as the department of psychology.


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