The explosive growth of population centers in the medium cities and especially in metropolitan areas is a problem that is of conditions which, by its complexity, is necessary to implement new measures to sort the irregular settlements and to combine efforts enabling the active participation of the different levels of government, which will translate into a set of actions and programmatic convergence.
is why the signing of the Coordination Agreement which celebrates H. Huatusco City Council and the Commission for the Regularization of Land Tenure, called CORETT "in connection with the regularization of irregular Human Settlements located in the territory of the Municipality of Huatusco. In order to promote, assist, provide, execute and regularize land tenure. It is important to mention that have a minimal cost estimated at around $ 20.00 per square meter, in order to support the benefit. This event was held in the City of Boca del Rio, where some municipalities participated in the vicinity and being present C. Miguel Angel Castro Silks, Mayor and Mr. Omar Figueroa Jáuregui, Director of Agricultural Development.
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