By Uriel Flores Aguayo
designations every three years are highlighted in advertising campaigns of municipalities, perhaps the "Xalapa beautiful" is among the most fortunate. Assuming that not and should not be an afterthought, a happy phrase, you can release much of it. It is hoped that concerned the title of a vision and project. For anything that displeases me think of my city and my city in this way, aesthetic, if it goes beyond the idea that beauty is on the surface, paint strokes, and the way you link content. The beauty of the city should be in your face and body but also in his brain and his way of being, if it is beautiful, intelligent, social, humanist and legality, the better.
Each town, small or large, has its own personality, which can also be identified as its label; Xalapa is no exception. In our history, what we do and think, how we relate and how we prepare our future, it ended Xalapa personality. In economic activity dominated by public employees, bureaucrats essential, complemented by those dealing in services, the other stands the omnipresence student activities. We are a city with an outstanding infrastructure and cultural activities, we do a lot of politics but almost always ends in grid, with loans to more varied journalistic activity that may be and no invidious comparisons, we have an average public safety. Whenever
more heat Xalapa, climate change or the child and the child or deforestation or cement board, but especially for the inactivity of the citizens and authorities at all levels. Given these facts, alarming, water scarcity and the rise in temperature, it is urgent to do something, like it or not, the State Government and the City must get to work on the matter, quickly and efficiently without rolls and without bureaucracy.
Much is expected of the mayor and the council, aware of the margins that they leave the political commitments and pressure from interest groups. A major limitation of several of the mayors is that they are the product of civic and political trajectories cutting democratic, that is, out of the hose, handpick or trap. Under these conditions a lack of political profile and very little can be expected of them, and was nearly the only option to warm the chair and vegetate for three years. To resolve any problems
municipal political will is required, which implies knowledge and decisions, enforce the laws without exception and to bring the fulfillment of responsibilities to partisan races. Pongo sample public transport, messy and dirty in general, which is feared and favored by economic and political reasons. It is also crucial that the municipal administration implements policies clear and effective public, especially with social meaning. Xalapa
One problem is the economic elite, some low-profile entrepreneur and democratic, very attached to the budget, comfortable, and barely mutual petitioners. Of the various buttons shown such poor citizens took the declaration of a director of Banderilla transport, said: "If you change your terminal Pípila Street provided that the government will build another," lacking only ask for a snow lemon. Among the candidates who aspire to lead Xalapeños entrepreneurs, to become fantasy listen to proposals and never substantiated in an industrial zone and a convention center, among others. Do not say where they will get water, how space will be available and how they will support the activities of these potential white elephant, do you remember the armadillo?
Let everyone say the city you want and what you do to achieve it, I do not want a big, uninhabitable, why, I prefer small or medium, breathable, safe, educated, humane, caring, where people think, austere, where the true citizen is equal before the law and have the same opportunities.
Recadito: for "Ripley," the "trastupijes" going to protest by not attending the May Day parade, where everyone protests. Cantinflas opened his eyes in his grave. Urielfloresaguayo@hotmail.com
Xalapa Enríquez see May 6, 2011
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