Friday, May 20, 2011

Mtd Snowblower Gas Cap Vent Hole Image


By Uriel Flores Aguayo

In the dispute over the nation, the possibility that truly change our country, living in peace, fair, educated and decent election is an opportunity next year, the renovation of the presidency of the republic and the federal congress. The alternate route
PAN was blighted by the inability of its rulers but mainly for their unconditional adherence to the powers that be. With this alternation rights lost another twelve years of opportunity, we parked in the immobility of the already rugged path of democracy and welfare. Being outside the PAN
a third six-year federal, deservedly, except what you want to give away monopolies and positioning itself partisan and unethical management of social programs, is free the stage for the confrontation of two distinctly different projects: the PRI and its allies (and GREEN HONEYCOMB) against the PRD and his (PT and Convergence).

Mexico is a powder keg, which runs through the glut can be transformed into active discontent are ripe for social unrest; repress is an easy way to make things worse, the different, the blood that saves us and suffering, or track and democratic way, is that free elections, where consent to allow the participation of Mexican and initiate a process of profound regeneration of the country. Even their privileges are at risk appose economic elites and their political operatives if they persist in maintaining the current system economic and political boredom can lead the people to take radical action. Accretion
The left is going to become a government option for next year. Accumulating factors in that line, namely the DIA is ratified as an electoral coalition, the PRD corrected its contradictory political line, its key figures together and practically defined his presidential candidacy Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The PRI
should not take the rooftops, the ghosts of Labastida and Madrazo can occur at any time. Its leading figure, Peña Nieto, is too fragile for its relevance cosmetics, while even the television duopoly, its real sponsors, we can guarantee promotion to the presidency. That party, now led by a dancer, can not evade its responsibilities in the alternation that favored the PAN and the many serious problems facing our country. In 2006
tube to reach as ever, even with the conditions of competition imposed by the bloc in power, electoral victory for the left. Not everyone understood or supported, putting special interests and promoting their acts or omissions the repetition of a rightist government, whose disabilities and all occurrences are paying something. It was unfortunate the role played by the EZLN and Patricia Mercado among others.
have to work hard for these and other errors are not committed again. There is much temptation among some sectors of society to abstain or cast blank ballots as a way to express the weariness of the poor country where we have made and lost both the parasitic political class and the monopolies of all kinds, it is worrying that leaders of great moral authority as the poet Javier Sicilia, start talking about not voting. Quitting the vote is not to participate, just what's best for the rulers. As this would be a mistake, in my view, must be convinced to support a leftist project of social transformation, indeed, who is running for elected office and incorporating their views and demands on the platform regenerating Mexico.
Mexico is headed, we are a country paralyzed and a powder keg ready to explode, do not deserve it. That instead of joining the ranks of drug trafficking and leisure our youth follow the lead of English and Arab youths, would be the bet for 2012. As we have seen and lived at 88 and in 2006 we know that it can be!

Recadito: as said the unspeakable: balls are not made, the candidate is López Obrador.


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