In detective
Huatusco Diego, Ver May 9, 2011
Like any good detective gave me the task of talking with the chief Omar Escalona Apollo Barradas who briefed me on the implementation of the Regional Committee of the HIGH MOUNTAINS OF MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SAFETY, which aims to establish better communication between the command centers in the area of \u200b\u200bhigh mountains, making constant operating in coordination and thus reduce the crime rate to ensure the security of the region with the participation of municipalities Huatusco, Chocamán, Coscomatepec, Ixhuatlán and Zentla.
Optimistic as ever and cool in dealing with this reporter, told me Saturday that the operation was mounted passed SWEEPER which consists of the Coordinating revisions in bars and taverns, making sure that inside are not minors, and as carriers of knives or sharp objects and firearms.
Don Omar told me that in this operation were present in 45 items of the aforementioned municipalities, as well as Public Safety Fortin de las Flores, commanding officer of the sub sub inspector Santiago Lopez Atilano, who joined the operation, with the same goal, to combat crime.
This operation has already given immediate results because seized 18 weapons were secured in the municipalities of Chocamán and Ixhuatlán and the apprehension of a subject of Arroyo Adalberto Aguilar alias name "Carol" for not having the documentation to work in a bar, in this county, said Don Omar it may also be checked in all bars and taverns that are not found minors consuming alcoholic beverages.
To conclude the interview, the inspector said the following "These actions ensure the security of citizens in the area of \u200b\u200bhigh mountains."
Well, let the thugs grab it with this operation "sweeper" Huatusco be clean from all evil, I hope this operation can capture the "False" because, ah! as it is in these places can give.
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