If there is anything like Tokio Hotel to do during the many interviews that offer is to talk not only of his music, but also their personality and how have become what they actually are.
Bill and his comrades are not afraid to talk and often take advantage of these opportunities to explain to their fans everything they could hardly find it not for the statements of four young or people who live with the band. The latest "curiosity" that we have provided has been revealed by TH el líder del grupo, que ha hablado recientemente de la operación quirúrgica de sus cuerdas vocales en 2008. Sobre esta experiencia, Bill nos comentó que fue un período de su vida muy difícil de afrontar, tanto porque resultaba perjudicial para los Tokio Hotel (que por aquel entonces estaban inmersos en una gira europea para la que se habían agotado todas las entradas) como porque para un cantante tener un problema en las cuerdas vocales es una de las peores cosas que le pueden suceder. El postoperatorio tampoco fue nada fácil, ya que tuvo que permanecer en silencio durante semanas. Sin embargo, después de esta “desgracia” por fin empezó a cantar de nuevo y aprendió a hacerlo de la forma correcta, y dice with pride that he has never thought to leave the group, even during those times of crisis.
Of course, now we can say that Bill is in very good shape and we look forward to seeing him again on stage in the world. Info
Of course, now we can say that Bill is in very good shape and we look forward to seeing him again on stage in the world. Info
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