Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keratosis Pilaris Dogs


Huatusco, Ver May 1, 2011 starts in May
health campaign "Caring for Your Heart" que organiza DIF Municipal Huatusco y Laboratorio Clínico S.A. de C.V. Serán los días sábado 21 y domingo 22 cuando se verifique este evento en las instalaciones de la institución, lo anterior fue dado a conocer por Baldinucci Tejeda Colorado, presidenta del DIF.
El costo del paquete médico que se ofrece es de 500 pesos, incluye análisis de laboratorio, electrocardiograma y consulta médica, estos estudios se realizarán previa cita, por lo que se invita a las personas que estén interesadas para que acudan al DIF Huatusco, los resultados son inmediatos y oportunos, informó Tejeda Colorado.

Los ciudadanos que acudan a apartar su cita con solo 50 pesos, must attend promptly at 8:00 am fasting. The person who will be attending to patients is Dr. Jesus Martínez Ramírez of the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco, has the following specialties: General Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiac Congenitólogo. Currently working in the IMSS of Tabasco, in the Regional Hospital Pemex Villahermosa, Tabasco and ISSSTE the same place., Also is chief of emergency department of the Institute of Social Security of the State of Tabasco, active member of the Company proprietor Mexican Cardiac Surgery and founder AC active Latin American Society of Cardiac Surgery.
This campaign organized by DIF aims Huatusco huatusqueños of providing a space to meet their health counting on professional medical services and low prices suited to the economic situation is perceived in the region, therefore, the president of DIF Huatusco, Tejeda Baldinucci Colorado, committed to the health of all people in the county, will be watching and caring for this product through awareness and health campaigns for the benefit of all.


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