Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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Tarkan in Kral TV Awards

Tarkan was presented at the awards ceremony of the Turkish TV Kral chain, which won 7 awards in the 7 categories in which it was nominated.

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Now the next step is transparent accountability: Cárdenas Jiménez

New variables such as climate change, the balance between market and state, insecurity, economic growth and job creation to win the war against poverty, they need to review and update the Mexican federalism Sen. Jalisco said Mr. Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez, to participate in the panel "Challenges and Prospects of Federalism" held Tuesday in the city of Colima, Colima.

In the presence of the governor of this state, Anguiano Mario Moreno and former governors Veracruz Fidel Herrera Beltran, Ricardo Monreal of Zacatecas and Carlos de la Madrid of Colima, PAN legislator and former governor of Jalisco Mexico said that federalism is better now than 15 years since "now, states and municipalities have more budget than ever in its history, but what is lacking is transparency in accountability and quality of spending. "

The Cárdenas Jiménez, described federalism as a legal community organization comprised of several states and expanded on its roots in our country: "In 1823 Prisciliano Sanchez Mariano Otero and Ramos Arizpe built the idea that Congress voted to halt the centralized system that had resulted from the conquest. Thus were born as a federal state. In 1995 we reached the Jalisco state government was one of my flags from Jalisco Jalisco rule. From then to date, the transfer of financial, human, programs and major decisions are made by state and local governments. "

former Jalisco governor said the federation is a constantly evolving process. Federalism in one of its aspects has been the decision to the governors and municipal. Now decide on health institutions, schools, housing, transportation, and works among many other important items. The country has advanced the concept that remains is to put him as public spending. To give transparency to 100% in the year in all branches, he said

"With these new scenarios have to rethink many things in trying to rearrange PAN powers of the three branches of government. A fundamental principle subsidiarity. Let the guy do his job without the press at large, let the city do your homework and not the government to do all this is a basic principle. The future issues should be reviewed in depth are insecurity, poverty, creating wealth and jobs, the new balances between state and market, green growth and correct deviations from the Inland Revenue tax in the medium and long term, "he said.

The Forum panel on "Challenges and Prospects of Federalism" was played the audience "Luis Ramón Barreda Zedillo government administrative complex of Colima.

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Rumor: TH & Selena

Rumor: Tokio Hotel & Selena Gomez made a song together

(personally do not think that is true, but after all is news)

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The President, Felipe Calderon launched the implementation of the National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools, known as ENLACE test, a ceremony in which it endorsed the commitment of his government improve the quality of education through this evaluation process.
At the ceremony, held at the Primary School President Miguel German Urban Center "of the nation's capital, Secretary of Public Education, Maestro Alonso Lujambio, said that for the sixth consecutive year and seamlessly apply this evaluation mechanism for parents, school and society at large aware of the status of the national education system. Lujambio
Master said that from now until May 27th will be held this test to 16 million 251 thousand 478 students of primary and secondary schools throughout the country, which in addition assessment of subjects in English and Mathematics, this year the extra stuff is geography, which concludes the cycle of additional subjects.

also added that for the first time involves members of the Social Participation School Councils to monitor the transparency of the process.
For his part, Executive Secretary General of the National Executive Committee of the National Union of Education Workers, Rafael Ochoa Guzmán said that raising the quality of education is an imperative, so that teachers and teachers to fully assume the their responsibility and if other active agents of change.
Also present at this ceremony, the President of the Education Commission of the Senate, María Teresa Ortuño Gurza, the President of the National Union of Parents, Consuelo Mendoza, the President of the National Federation of Parents' Associations Family, Leopoldo García, the President of the Social Participation School Council, Carballido Audé Suarez, Coordinator of the Implementation of the ENLACE test, Rosa Ileana Cortés and the chief borough of Benito Juarez, Mario Alberto Palacios, among others.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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order to support and defend the rights of children, the joint committees of Vulnerable Groups and Human Rights of the House of Representatives approved an amendment to the federal, state and Federal District, to implement programs for the care, rehabilitation and social reintegration of children and adolescents living on the street.

On amendments to the Law on Child Protection, Federal Rep. of Jalisco, Joann Novoa Mossberg, stressed the importance of this reform will benefit children and teenagers who for some reason live and / or working on the streets.

"As member of the Commission of Vulnerable Groups, I am convinced on the need to modify, update and create new laws and public policies that protect and ensure respect for human rights of a segment of the population can not hide and that every day is face all kinds of risks to work and live in streets and avenues of major cities in the country. "

Reforming the Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents also defines public agencies and federal authorities should ensure the protection and development of minors by some socially vulnerable are at risk, abandonment or homeless.

noteworthy that children who have lost their families, have fled from this and live on the streets suffer labor or sexual exploitation, are hit by vehicles, may use drugs or are involved in trafficking of these, and if of girls and adolescents suffer unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and lack access to health services, hence the importance of working to reduce and eliminate possible risks to children. The reform approved

fraction X adds to Article 11 of Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination, the Joint Commission Vulnerable Groups and Human Rights.

Monday, May 23, 2011

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Huatusco, Veracruz, May 22, 2011 .- In a massive event with over 3500 attendees from around the district XIII Huatusco header, the New Alliance Party appointed its district delegates to attend the state assembly to be carried out in the coming days and will be chaired by Ochoa Ulises Valdivia state chairman of the party. Started
assembly at four o'clock in the afternoon was as president to lead the meeting Oscar Enrique Andrade Páez and equipment, accomplishing the agenda and the same people were elected by a majority Zaira Ochoa Valdivia, Oscar Enrique Andrade Páez Abraham Salinas Gutierrez, Olivia Hernández Sampieri, Daniel Vivanco Clavel, Luis Gabriel González Alvarado, Angelica Alvarado Andrade, Zarate Baltazar Contreras, so the appointment was terminated at seventeen hours and fifty minutes.

Ochoa Ulises Valdivia, was blunt in mentioning the position to have the New Alliance Party in the state congress to become the third political force to promote legislative initiatives, as emphasized by saying "the party continues to grow in all parts of the state of Veracruz and throughout the Mexican republic today as Congress makes the difference ", at the time was hailed by all participants were present from whom she received the affection and loyalty. Moreover
categorically emphasized that "the unfulfilled promises in coalitions with other parties will know the all "and that" we are not improvised much less come to seek elective office, "he said. Also
said, "we have dedicated ourselves to work and manage the various educational bodies and health and sport to bring benefits to all groups of society, especially the most vulnerable."
In a message to the militants Isaac Gonzalez said that "education is the way and serve is a commitment by the New Alliance party legislators" so they are looking for resources to enable the Veracruz area and seek better conditions for workers in this important sector for the country.
At the end of the party members took the opportunity to celebrate the month of May in celebration of Mother's Day as legislators lived moms giving away gifts to New Alliance party members present.

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The explosive growth of population centers in the medium cities and especially in metropolitan areas is a problem that is of conditions which, by its complexity, is necessary to implement new measures to sort the irregular settlements and to combine efforts enabling the active participation of the different levels of government, which will translate into a set of actions and programmatic convergence.

is why the signing of the Coordination Agreement which celebrates H. Huatusco City Council and the Commission for the Regularization of Land Tenure, called CORETT "in connection with the regularization of irregular Human Settlements located in the territory of the Municipality of Huatusco. In order to promote, assist, provide, execute and regularize land tenure. It is important to mention that have a minimal cost estimated at around $ 20.00 per square meter, in order to support the benefit. This event was held in the City of Boca del Rio, where some municipalities participated in the vicinity and being present C. Miguel Angel Castro Silks, Mayor and Mr. Omar Figueroa Jáuregui, Director of Agricultural Development.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

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30 years of AIDS - review of TTT - 05/15/1911

  • Min: 5:20

[...] Since the nineties is clear that AIDS has worried everyone. Today's death disappears completely after charity products. Lady Gaga has sold lipstick, leather shoes, Philipp Lahm, Tokio Hotel, T-shirts. The money goes to fight AIDS. [...]

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Animas, Time Elevator:) TOKIO HOTEL-FACEBOOK
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vs Tom Kaulitz. Kevin Jonas

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Beautiful image - thanks for the love Japan! Note that TH campaign for Japan ends in late May, so if you wish to obtain your own buttons do not expect more and went to the official store of European or U.S. TH! Info

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TMC: "When the music is good: 2000"

TMC: "When the music is good: Year 2000" on June 3
On Friday June 3, TMC will provide a unprecedented number of When the Music is good. Presented by Jean-Michel Zecca, among emotion, humor, discoveries and encounters, When the Music Is Good comment decades Artist: an original way with numerous extracts :[...]

- Artists internationales as Charlie Winston, Tokio Hotel, Mika, Madcon, Juliann ...


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Beautiful image - thanks for the love Japan! Note that TH campaign for Japan ends in late May, so if you wish to obtain your own buttons do not expect more and went to the official store of TH European or U.S.! Info

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Info By: Tokio Hotel Japan - Facebook

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History of the German Pop Music: La Banda "Tokio Hotel"

At first he scornfully called "ephemeral teen band." However, the boys from Magdeburg in the band "Tokio Hotel" have proved to be a major phenomenon in the German music scene, to gain acceptance from fans around the world.
The beginnings of the band "Tokio Hotel" were simply fantastic. Since childhood, the twin brothers Bill Tom Kaulitz and made music. Her adoptive father contributed greatly to the musical talents of the boys and made them a first concert at age nine. In one of these concerts were met with members of "Tokio Hotel".
an exceptional
vocalist Bill in 2003 participated in the casting of a number of private television channels, where producers discovered his talent. Two years of work were followed for the band's debut album, then the boys became "the new superstars of Germany", with the single "Durch den Monsun" reaching the top of the charts. Bill Kaulitz, who later became a sensation with only 15 years old, could not believe that the dream had come true: "It is quite a new feeling for us. We are very happy that things are going so well. We were very fortunate that two years ago, our band was discovered in the eastern city of Magdeburg by producers. "

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Animas, Time Elevator =) Dan & Dean Caten
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talk about Bill Kaulitz TH

Last year Bill was on the runway for Dsquared2 brand of Canadian twins Dean and Dan Caten. They designed the clothes scenario Tokio Hotel in tour "Welcome To Humanoid City" and now they have spoken in an interview with DER STANDARD on Bill ...
DS: Last year, Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel was on your show. Good idea?
Caten Twins: Our case was the Rocky Horror Picture Show. He is a modern Frankenstein, which only fits well with the whole theme of our show.
DS: Bill Kaulitz can be considered a style icon for adults too?
Caten Twins: We like his courage in dress and style the way he does. He Chico is a kind of Gaga. Info