I enjoy reading your columns, but after enjoying his lucidity live, I fear that David has not dump them all within. Not to worry, because this is the kind of character destined to become over the years into a sort of venerable teacher and guru, saving all distances, as he admired Azcona, Fernan-Gomez or Haro-Tecglen.
Anyway, yesterday I noticed one thing. Most attendees came prepared to talk to laugh or with intent to do so. And laughing is Healthy, yes, but I'm not so sure that Trueba humor intended to convey what he says, but rather a realistic, rather crude in the world. I think when he says, referring to the movies, that art is unnecessary and the production of it almost immoral, not looking for sarcasm, but to declare the constant torment, the tremendous contradictions, in which an artist , if have half a brain, is immersed.
I know it's throwing stones on my own roof, but recently spoke with a music critic who looked at me with astonishment when I insisted on the idea that the live no interest to anyone. This is what I've always thought, but every day I am more sure of it. Or rather, every day I think there are fewer people truly interested in music, live or recorded, in the culture go. Nor will I return to elaborate on the contradiction that I find to get paid for your opinion. Yes, they are professions and activities that exist, but really, who needs them?
an artist aware of its lightness, its interim, is almost by itself a guarantee of honesty. David Trueba focus on these qualities, in addition to that worldview is not catastrophic, never cynical, but laconic. I like that one person can make a living thanks to the head and definitely, this is the type of operator that interests me, characters with their feet on the ground, causing laughter without trying, just by reading this implacable reality , as happens to Elvira Lindo, Francisco Nixon or Antonio Luque. Or Sergio Algora, who always says he never understood that in a survivor about laughter from his delusional interpretations of the world.
In Madrid, however, I visited the exhibition devoted to Fellini and did not see anybody laughing. Young gafipastis with tissues in the neck and three-day beard kept marching without moving a muscle to the tremendous cataract of nonsense that the film produced without any effort, tracing almost everyday surroundings, and making good many years before the maximum Algora " not Surrealism Life is like ." The world upside down.
* The picture was stolen from the Diario de Cádiz
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