Friday, October 29, 2010

Sample Of Programs Of A Church Service

David Trueba and irony

Yesterday afternoon I attended a talk with David Trueba at the University. It has always seemed an interesting character. Equally or more talented his brother, something more discreet and at the same time, endowed with a superior eloquence, which is saying.

I enjoy reading your columns, but after enjoying his lucidity live, I fear that David has not dump them all within. Not to worry, because this is the kind of character destined to become over the years into a sort of venerable teacher and guru, saving all distances, as he admired Azcona, Fernan-Gomez or Haro-Tecglen.

Anyway, yesterday I noticed one thing. Most attendees came prepared to talk to laugh or with intent to do so. And laughing is Healthy, yes, but I'm not so sure that Trueba humor intended to convey what he says, but rather a realistic, rather crude in the world. I think when he says, referring to the movies, that art is unnecessary and the production of it almost immoral, not looking for sarcasm, but to declare the constant torment, the tremendous contradictions, in which an artist
, if have half a brain, is immersed.

I know it's throwing stones on my own roof, but recently spoke with a music critic who looked at me with astonishment when I insisted on the idea that the live no interest to anyone. This is what I've always thought, but every day I am more sure of it. Or rather, every day I think there are fewer people truly interested in music, live or recorded, in the culture go. Nor will I return to elaborate on the contradiction that I find to get paid for your opinion. Yes, they are professions and activities that exist, but really, who needs them?

an artist aware of its lightness, its interim, is almost by itself a guarantee of honesty. David Trueba focus on these qualities, in addition to that worldview is not catastrophic, never cynical, but laconic. I like that one person can make a living thanks to the head and definitely, this is the type of operator that interests me, characters with their feet on the ground, causing laughter without trying, just by reading this implacable reality , as happens to Elvira Lindo, Francisco Nixon or Antonio Luque. Or Sergio Algora, who always says he never understood that in a survivor about laughter from his delusional interpretations of the world.

In Madrid, however, I visited the exhibition devoted to Fellini and did not see anybody laughing. Young gafipastis with tissues in the neck and three-day beard kept marching without moving a muscle to the tremendous cataract of nonsense that the film produced without any effort, tracing almost everyday surroundings, and making good many years before the maximum Algora "
not Surrealism Life is like ." The world upside down.

* The picture was stolen from the Diario de Cádiz

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chloe B And Paula Vid

do break! So long that even I uploaded the "no crime or punishment" of October, the only thing I wrote for the issue of this month and ends.

temporarily closed Eva Marin your blog. Not by a crisis of ideas, but I think, because something important awaits. While I, who do not suffer any crisis of ideas (I've always thought that the worst that can happen to blog is that it advances a month or two to a theme, such as has happened to me this year with back to school because then never write what you intended) I have been jeopardized by lack of time and apathy sometimes others, but I'm here. And he does it, that is what was, five years now. In fact, officially, five and a few months, but regularly, if you can call it, be tempted to start shooting in the fall of 2005, in the context of a special time for me my latest and greatest stage in Madrid.

Three hundred twenty innings later, this blog has given me many joys, especially in the form of visits from people you know, taken the trouble to steal minutes at your leisure to take a ratillo here, most of the time "simple" gratitude and friendship, which I find very exciting. Or visitors totally unknown, which, of course, always tends to seem strange. Some, like Eva and Javier, and are no strangers, only friends, and cornerstone of the existence of this blog. I have also been occasional hot flashes, but worth it.

Of all those who supported me, I have to stress over all (do not know if I've ever done) to Juan who first opened and discharged the blog, something I was quite reluctant.

I do not plan to close because I have great affection, but should keep you more respect and treat you better. I think it will renew the template anticuadísima, and I will add these links to facebook and such that now the whole world, but try to keep sober in the set. I would appreciate if someone tells me if, by modifying the template, risk and layouts old entries.

Meanwhile, let down the "Ni Ni Crime Punishment ", but before a selection of some of the things I can re-read without shame to celebrate five years

- A post dedicated to La Costa Brava Fran bonded on their old Blog 20six. That stone left me. It was my entry into the era 1.9, because I think the 2.0 was not yet
- A special Carlos Berlanga
- What I wrote about the Primavera Sound 2007. One , two and three . Visitors to the festival I won, thanks to efforts that I
NO did, posting in all places where I did then. In some of them continue
- The things that can only be made on blogs
- A little leitmotif
- Y something about New York , of \u200b\u200bcourse

And no, after this display of complacency, neither crime nor leave the punishment of October, dedicated to Diego Manrique.


Sometimes one has felt simply to show their sadness at the disappearance of the grid Radio 3's "Pop Journal" or "Boulevard" and with them, Jesus Ordovas and Chema Rey. The radio has never been the same since, along with other greats like himself Iñaki Peña Ramón Trecet or were purged for various reasons or business stratagems of questionable profitability. This summer, the public body has decided to door to Diego A. Manrique, probably the most respected music journalist in this country .. Now all they need to eliminate a Juan de Pablos, we will have reached end forever freedom (how scary, powerful!) That always characterized it for the station. Someday, when we look back, maybe be able to assess what was Radio 3: a group of enlightened, most likely, and one by one, they believed in possession of irrefutable truth, because each was allowed the luxury of scheduling your space and say exactly what came of the tail, were on public radio and nobody would take. They attacked as the vague, sold, elitist, arrogant, bourgeois and, who knows whether in whole or in part, those adjectives were not entirely unfair, but I, and many others, spent mornings and afternoons learning music to those that, eventually ended up deserving the title of master of music journalism. For my part, I soon realized that freedom was so great something unusual, a priceless treasure to be preserved and the largest value of Radio 3, a name that only serves to designate a radio station.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Busted Blood Blister In Mouth With Water Pik

cameras behind

This is a behind the scenes Video filming of the "op"
can see in the great work done!, and in my opinion, the result was excellent. Difrutenlo