Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Denise Milani Just For You Descargar

and more World Cup 2010: No one plays like

been three days and it seems that little by little, everything returns to normal. Now we know what it feels like to win a World Cup. On Sunday, the emotions were órdago, but life goes on (same). Or rather, I've started jogging in the evenings, since this month has left me with so much snuff comprehensive malaria, many gin and tonics and many meals at the wrong time. So I give out the bluish shorts that I bought before I started the World Cup. What is clear is that today begins the debate on the State of the Nation and the country gets its (overpost) usual pace.

try to leave my opinion about the role of Spain in the World Cup. Seventy-two hours later, it costs a bit more, but after all I do not think that allowed me to another post as emotional as the last.


- No doubt that Spain has proved to be the best team in the championship. It is a fact for which we should welcome. After the tournament, does not seem to imagine the scenario of a combined loss of Del Bosque and to Brazil, let alone, to Argentina. Not this past month at least. A feeling of superiority and do not remember from the last Eurobasket Yugoslavia won in 91.

- never know whether this world has left us feeling that the level football has been really low by the fact that Spain was able to win or because the game really general expectations have not been met. The ball was, arguably, a poison, and the state of the pitch, a drag.


- Outside of the supremacy of Pique, had some doubts about the defensive solidity of Spain. It is true that the team has only received two goals, both after two unfortunate bounces, but also that, at certain times, offered no sense of assurance to counter the numerous counterattacks prompted by its commitment to hold the ball. Neither Busquets, and Xabi Alonso, and Piqué, no one (well, maybe Xavi itself) are pure spirits. Can make mistakes that cause shocks. The two rush Robben is an example of this, but we should also remember that Switzerland's goal came after losing a ball by Iniesta in midfield. My reading, however, is that no system is perfect, and that Spain has failed to exploit what he does best to win the final victory. If we the clueless defensive throughout the championship, I think they do not even ten. Not much, especially when you consider something in this country we tend to forget: the other also play.

The Media

When you get to a summer terrace and all the tables are empty, do as the dogs and cats before bedtime, giving several times overwhelmed by the excess supply. With Spain's midfield is the same. Everything is debatable, everything is better, everything is worse. The alternatives are to cover any game plan, two teams prepared to take hold. One does not know if global Capdevila, which was completed without making any noise-is midfield or defense. The same happens with Pique or even, with Villa and Iniesta, theoretical front. Helps everyone in this area are the crucial support of the network is constructed defensive English, which is none other than the possession of the ball. Let us remember again that some people does not know, and look that is simple: if
they do not, it is impossible to mark.

The Front

Although he has shown much more effectively with a battering ram that opens spaces, Villa has not ceased to be a constant nightmare for all defenses to which it has faced. His repertoire of shots fits both position 9, as those of 7, 8 or 10 . Fernando Torres has been intimidated by their presence. I am one of those fans the footballer, but certainly among the Zagas contrary has caused panic every time he took a stride. Only this can explain the untimely departure of the Chilean goal in that game that had become so uncomfortable for us. If he recovers and learns to appreciate his contribution to the group, will be decisive.

Del Bosque and stool

Perhaps the factor that tipped the scales in favor of Spain. Del Bosque has proved extremely successful in the changes, in the same way that they managed to cause confusion among fans, media and, of course, rival coaches. Llorente input to Portugal is the best example of this, but the amazing cast of alternate depth gave the team a priceless surprise. As shown, remember that the final goal starts with a theft Navas on the edge of the area who, after a 55-meter slalom, gave to Xavi, he again Navas, who is a Torres to try combined with Iniesta, Cesc gets the ball, which is the final pass. That is, the three reserves acted decisively in the play of the game-winner.


- Spain's style is not (only) that of Barcelona. It is a fallacy simplistic and malicious. Spain gave a turn your game when Miguel Muñoz gave the helm to the guys in the Quinta del Vulture. When I was little, my school is not playing pitch, but we wanted to play his first touch, and the good of the class always talked about playing, playing, playing. In Cadiz, apart from Magico Gonzalez, the idol was Pepe Mejías. It is something that is part of the understanding of football in a country where, until recently, they played a lot in the street, on walls with the walls themselves, and where, lest we forget, the influence of a football pitch is archigalardonado enormous. Camacho hired football coach in a move that created much controversy, and even at times Clemente, despite him, Spain was playing big games from finding gaps after much moving the ball. Furthermore, Spain is usually also a power in beach soccer. We talk about technique, but also very physical fund administration, as both the indoor soccer and beach soccer are disciplines that involve a tremendous wear.

Some of the claims that are based in Catalonia are intended solely to annoy and kicking, in the same way that, had he won it with other music and other players would not show any identification with the victory. National Claim Iniesta is cynical and mean, and Villa, of scoundrels, of course.

must add, finally, that no team plays or has played as Spain. That is neither good nor bad, because the system has its detractors, but it's nice to have personality when it comes to refer to this old game.


In the past, the team would have destabilized because of absenteeism arbitration against Paraguay, Chile and the Netherlands. This last selection did manage something as important as bullying, cut off the roll to the line of creating at times, but never jeopardize a player's head with a competitive seems bombproof. The push from Iniesta Van Bommel after he brutally crushed his ankle will not even be punished with a lack, speaks clearly of the trend towards moderation of this group.


- Dutch Soccer I said what I thought at the time . A team with aspirations to be world champion built his game on the basis of long pasecitos the star of the team for it to seek life, I find it shameful. What I know was that a country we tend to admire both possess that ability to make victimhood and glimpse conspiracies. Sound familiar? The kicks will not talk.

Global History

- We sixth, just one point of England. It is a magnificent place.


Except for the first goal for Villa to Honduras, all others have occurred in the goal that was left of our heads of viewers.


- It could happen again . Having kicked Xabi Alonso, as well as many other sets chilling, costs believe that FIFA does not embark on the task of safeguarding the health and even life, of the players. Shame.

SENTENCE: " if you have to suffer, suffer, but at least the protagonist is the goalkeeper in the end, the better. " Iker Casillas before the game. As you were, friend, and all who dream of being in your place once, you made us very happy.

Thanks to all who have followed the blog this past month. It was very nice to see that this is not just an exercise in onanism.

PS For the next post, and since everyone has promised something to win the World Cup, I promise to apply the rules that the SAR with the accents. He received no publicity (he has two years now) and do not disrupt learning stand that I have embedded in the head from 5 of GBS, but I'm very academic and standards are to be kept.


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