Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hamilton Beach Hb P90d23al Dj Prices

New Site We are all with you always

As you may know, the official site of Tarkan is about to be opened officially. Since the moment the site only offers a look at each of the new songs from new album

Exclusively here are the details of the new official site Tarkan which promises to be a wonderland for fans.
One of the best to submit the new site will be a large archive of photos, videos, and information for all fans.
include a section with all his videos. Besides concert photoshoots and some others taken by Sedat Mehder. There will also be a section dedicated to environmental projects and protection to animals in which this work Tarkan. Count on countdowns for concerts and multimedia downloads section where us fans can download Wallpapers, Screensavers, etc.

One of the most important new sections will be the T-Zone where fans can register. Once registered will have access to hear new songs .
Among the songs never heard are:

"a duet with violinist Miri Ben Ari

-unreleased songs in English originally planned for the first album in English from the 90's (which never reached premiere).

will look at the photographs taken by Tarkan in his spare time as part of their hobby. A section that will gather all websites made by fans around the world (hopefully Tarkan Türkiye present)

said Tarkan that once released the web will be more surprises for even the fans.
Below I present some exclusive pictures of the new sections of Tarkan's new official website soon to be released
News section T-Zone lyrics


What think of the new website of Tarkan and surprises we are preparing?

TarkanDeluxe With the support

Burning Sensation In Feet After Shower


(... well that ...)

How Long Can Horizontal Slats On A Fence Be

oficial de Joe, Joe! Write my name in the Heart of the Gran estreno

This is a special post, as this will share with you a wonderful idea created by a great friend of mine and a great fan of Tarkan like us. She is Marina, who surely know for being the fan of the month here on the blog and one of the leading translators of Tarkan's songs on YouTube, his channel can enter clicking "Here"

In this video we see Tarkan several fans around the world expressed their support because of all the problems that Tarkan had recently, and is a call to Tarkan to show that his music reaches around the world and see the affection and admiration he has not only in Turkey, if not everywhere ...

Enjoy the video here!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Women Study Penis Jap

July 29 after a long wait (about 2 years), opens Adımı Kalbine Yaz Tarkan's new album, all the information about the album has been discovered.
As mentioned in the newspaper Zaman Today:

"Titled Adımı Kalbine Yaz, the album's 13 tracks includes eight new songs and five remixes
, arranged by Ozan Colakoglu. The album is the result of two years
effort has songs written by top artists such as Turkish
: Sezen Aksu and the deceased as well as Aysel Gürel Tarkan "

But that's not all, Tarkan opened his profile on the major social networks Site as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace (by clicking to enter the profile of each page.)
Links to their various profiles are also a side of Tarkan

blog shared with us this little video is an introduction to the new album

Album Tanıtımı

Tarkan MySpace Video

addition to his profile on Flickr where he has published the photoshoot of the album along with some photographs taken during the recording of the album
Here is the photoshoot of album:

What about the new album? What is your favorite song? personally my favorite songs are: Yaz and Acimayacak Kalbine Adimi
Feel free to send comments

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hours For Stouffer's Outlet Store, Solon Ohio

Joe - Nuevo videoclip de Joe

At last!
Here is a small preview of what the new album of Tarkan. This is good news after a long wait

No more words, Enjoy!

Although the songs in the video are not in very good quality and we can hear this

es el tracklist: 01

Write my name into your heart (Joe)
02 Kiss (Sezen Aksu, Tarkan, Ozan Çolakoğlu)
03 Acimayacak (Mithat Can Özer)
04 Lost (Günther Shepherd, Joe) 05
You are long gone (Sezen Aksu Ozan Çolakoğlu)
06 Love to the last kick (Aysel Gurel, Joe) 07
Write my name to your heart (remix: Ozan Çolakoğlu)
08 Kiss (Remix: Gursel Steel)
09 Last kick my love (remix: Kivanch K.)
10 Acimayacak (Remix: Gursel Steel)
11 Last kick my love (remix: Suat Ateşdağlı

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Denise Milani Nipple Imge

August 2010: The Seduction of petulance

I am concerned. Every time I more often feel uncomfortable at not seeing me as part of certain collective enthusiasm, not to join the general euphoria with regard to the renewed national independent scene. And it is disheartening that a festival passes, group by group, day after day, with virtually none of them managed to make moving a facial muscle. When at the end of the day, you find that what you're having is with better battery DJs popping hits, you no longer have any doubt that something is wrong. At least for you. Or you.

could be because the general balance of this year's Contempopranea closely resembles the game of Real Madrid. That is, we talk about efficiency, glued, quality, solvency, but no spark, emotions, passions ... Never surprise. The leaders of the generation now lack excels above all a sense of humor, but also a hint of cynicism and high doses of whatever the truth, and their extra kilos of various arrogance, attitude seriously misunderstood and leaden.

These factors transformed many of the concerts in tedious experience, where the songs are franchise diluted among the rest of a repertoire that if something is outstanding for its flatness, the absence of edges and total ostracism which is subjected cornerstone of pop: the freshness.

bad thing is that when we are not overwhelmed with too much solemnity, which is to take directly seem stupid. It happens with another sector of bands who wanted to be innovative, important, historical, but, being aware of its limitations, tried to storm the mainstream circuit
with questionable results. Pop massive consumption (no objection, of course) packed and labeled as indie (there itself, which misleads another), a term that long ago, it began to be annoyed by their misuse.

Names? Take a look at the poster
this year, but pulled out of that group about honest Hi Everybody , Anni B. Sweet and Underwater Tea Party , the wreckers Delorean and eternal Tachenko , and some planets that, by vague and lacking in tension, may be included within the overrated litter campaign for our scenarios false championing this kind of musical creative revolution.

Anyway, returning to what he said at the beginning, I feel weird because people seem to like it, and then think maybe I be smug. At the end of the day, say a million English can not be wrong. And that's where I return again to the loop. Is that I'm not sure if these groups (I put them all in the same boat) are simply commercial or simply bad. As we know, is not necessarily the same.

Planets, on the other hand, risked a lot with a set in that time focused on media and was built around his two latest works, combining the findings lucky "Lady of the heights" or "I do not look out of the gate" with other historical titles, but not too exploited in their live, "King Shadow" or "The Madrid artist," although they missed "Romance de Juan de Osuna" and "I do not know how dare you", two tracks (singles to make matters worse) more Lucky discography of Granada. Brave decision, however, a band that can boast of enjoying some fans who were able to assess and understand the turning point of "The Legend of space" and then "Next Month", but that was a disaster in purely musical terms because of the dominant rhythmic mess from the minute one of her concert. As for the attitude of J, absent left desnortado and does not deserve more obvious comment. There are good signs for a team that reached the fullness in his 2007 tour, a tour that dripping blood, work, commitment and desire to please. Quite the contrary on Saturday, with the autopilot on and boycotting the natural chemistry between Granada and the public in Albuquerque.

- Maga is the Barrio del indie.
- The Red Room, Ketama.
- YJ is Magico Gonzalez ... PD

Ah! I forgot ... The English soccer team is officially pop. The Planets have devoted putting images of historical parties (including Spain, Malta) as a background for "A Good Day" so you know, all you ever wanted to go to a festival with red elastic and did not dare because they can, that is no longer frowned upon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Swelled Fingertips After Shoveling

FREEK ! July: Algora

A very nice album: Anne Arbor
And an interview with bad milk Nitoniko .

the end, Spain won the World Cup. In the bar where we saw the parties did not invite or a lousy drink. I thought it might have been Algora in his winning Spain, remembering two years ago when we had Fran Fernández how Sergio lived European success.

wrote the text below after the defeat against Switzerland, but yesterday, I'm not sure why, having spent Algora celebrated the NCNC July. Suddenly, I realized that Perruca was right, that life is not business as usual, that we were not even his friends knew him personally or miss, it is very difficult Costabrava not remain faithful to its driving force, causing it kills us every second David, but let us be true giants.

Life is more cumbersome without people like him. No exaggeration to say that the pace of the world is too often dominated by fear, fatalism, obfuscation and lack of ease and openness of mind to the greatness that can provide the daily becoming unpredictable. I know this sounds like a sect, so I will not go deeper, I seem to NA, but it's true. Sergio Algora taught us to face life differently, it cost him to stop being taken seriously by most critics and fans. Molar should make songs more than ever ganeremos saying the world and devote Tassotti discs. Molar should rather be a loser, strive to be a pain, be serious and make songs to transcend or amaze. The that really cool is when one of these upstarts are Descojonado buds that you claim to Julio Iglesias and two years later, I find saying "Julio Iglesias is great, irreplaceable expression valid for all. No, I have not gone, it's just a hypothetical example.

This is what you get. In our hand is that the bad will not expire. Holland does not win ever. If we lose, whether to Germany. Without Sergio, sometimes we stray from the path and commit the stupid mistake of crumpled at the slightest problem, but I always said that we had Fran Nixon, and we still remains. Thank goodness.


two years ago, Sergio Algora celebrated the success of Euro playing the accordion in the streets of Zaragoza. Luis Aragones's team won games and advanced gaming rounds with a merry-go-lucky, more like the courtyard of a school that millionaires all around professional. When looking back at that image of Algora holding the instrument after his death days later, I thought that there could be no better metaphor or parallel life. Spain had won liking, yes, but with a certain defiance, which implemented the big boys, people who believe that the best works are realized from the innocence and the absence of prejudice; to take very seriously that we should not take life seriously. There was talk of champagne football, food, as have those who knew him, preferred Sergio; say they occasionally lose his head in his bar and invited right and left, " Champagne for everyone! . " As I write this, Spain is staking its future no by certain media and much of the fans, as happened to Algora in the last years of his career. Yes, it must be that, in soccer, art and life, is best kept back and behave like a sad. Will be that. He has more credibility.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

M Jak Milosc Wykup Odcinki

have emerged more news about Tarkan's new single, which will come with the new video for the song "Son Vuruşu Sevdanın."
Onur Bastürk reporter newspaper Hürriyet said:
The following Tarkan Music video will be something new, cinematic style

What may be expected by all fans, especially the female audience will see Tarkan undress. The article also mentions:

"There is a video in which Tarkan removes his shirt and then
pants, but immediately the dancers cover Tarkan "

Some parts of the video were recorded on a market. The making of the video at a cost of $ 200 000

What do you think the new videoclip?, Do you like how it starts with advertising Tarkan's new album?

Denise Milani Just For You Descargar

and more World Cup 2010: No one plays like

been three days and it seems that little by little, everything returns to normal. Now we know what it feels like to win a World Cup. On Sunday, the emotions were órdago, but life goes on (same). Or rather, I've started jogging in the evenings, since this month has left me with so much snuff comprehensive malaria, many gin and tonics and many meals at the wrong time. So I give out the bluish shorts that I bought before I started the World Cup. What is clear is that today begins the debate on the State of the Nation and the country gets its (overpost) usual pace.

try to leave my opinion about the role of Spain in the World Cup. Seventy-two hours later, it costs a bit more, but after all I do not think that allowed me to another post as emotional as the last.


- No doubt that Spain has proved to be the best team in the championship. It is a fact for which we should welcome. After the tournament, does not seem to imagine the scenario of a combined loss of Del Bosque and to Brazil, let alone, to Argentina. Not this past month at least. A feeling of superiority and do not remember from the last Eurobasket Yugoslavia won in 91.

- never know whether this world has left us feeling that the level football has been really low by the fact that Spain was able to win or because the game really general expectations have not been met. The ball was, arguably, a poison, and the state of the pitch, a drag.


- Outside of the supremacy of Pique, had some doubts about the defensive solidity of Spain. It is true that the team has only received two goals, both after two unfortunate bounces, but also that, at certain times, offered no sense of assurance to counter the numerous counterattacks prompted by its commitment to hold the ball. Neither Busquets, and Xabi Alonso, and Piqué, no one (well, maybe Xavi itself) are pure spirits. Can make mistakes that cause shocks. The two rush Robben is an example of this, but we should also remember that Switzerland's goal came after losing a ball by Iniesta in midfield. My reading, however, is that no system is perfect, and that Spain has failed to exploit what he does best to win the final victory. If we the clueless defensive throughout the championship, I think they do not even ten. Not much, especially when you consider something in this country we tend to forget: the other also play.

The Media

When you get to a summer terrace and all the tables are empty, do as the dogs and cats before bedtime, giving several times overwhelmed by the excess supply. With Spain's midfield is the same. Everything is debatable, everything is better, everything is worse. The alternatives are to cover any game plan, two teams prepared to take hold. One does not know if global Capdevila, which was completed without making any noise-is midfield or defense. The same happens with Pique or even, with Villa and Iniesta, theoretical front. Helps everyone in this area are the crucial support of the network is constructed defensive English, which is none other than the possession of the ball. Let us remember again that some people does not know, and look that is simple: if
they do not, it is impossible to mark.

The Front

Although he has shown much more effectively with a battering ram that opens spaces, Villa has not ceased to be a constant nightmare for all defenses to which it has faced. His repertoire of shots fits both position 9, as those of 7, 8 or 10 . Fernando Torres has been intimidated by their presence. I am one of those fans the footballer, but certainly among the Zagas contrary has caused panic every time he took a stride. Only this can explain the untimely departure of the Chilean goal in that game that had become so uncomfortable for us. If he recovers and learns to appreciate his contribution to the group, will be decisive.

Del Bosque and stool

Perhaps the factor that tipped the scales in favor of Spain. Del Bosque has proved extremely successful in the changes, in the same way that they managed to cause confusion among fans, media and, of course, rival coaches. Llorente input to Portugal is the best example of this, but the amazing cast of alternate depth gave the team a priceless surprise. As shown, remember that the final goal starts with a theft Navas on the edge of the area who, after a 55-meter slalom, gave to Xavi, he again Navas, who is a Torres to try combined with Iniesta, Cesc gets the ball, which is the final pass. That is, the three reserves acted decisively in the play of the game-winner.


- Spain's style is not (only) that of Barcelona. It is a fallacy simplistic and malicious. Spain gave a turn your game when Miguel Muñoz gave the helm to the guys in the Quinta del Vulture. When I was little, my school is not playing pitch, but we wanted to play his first touch, and the good of the class always talked about playing, playing, playing. In Cadiz, apart from Magico Gonzalez, the idol was Pepe Mejías. It is something that is part of the understanding of football in a country where, until recently, they played a lot in the street, on walls with the walls themselves, and where, lest we forget, the influence of a football pitch is archigalardonado enormous. Camacho hired football coach in a move that created much controversy, and even at times Clemente, despite him, Spain was playing big games from finding gaps after much moving the ball. Furthermore, Spain is usually also a power in beach soccer. We talk about technique, but also very physical fund administration, as both the indoor soccer and beach soccer are disciplines that involve a tremendous wear.

Some of the claims that are based in Catalonia are intended solely to annoy and kicking, in the same way that, had he won it with other music and other players would not show any identification with the victory. National Claim Iniesta is cynical and mean, and Villa, of scoundrels, of course.

must add, finally, that no team plays or has played as Spain. That is neither good nor bad, because the system has its detractors, but it's nice to have personality when it comes to refer to this old game.


In the past, the team would have destabilized because of absenteeism arbitration against Paraguay, Chile and the Netherlands. This last selection did manage something as important as bullying, cut off the roll to the line of creating at times, but never jeopardize a player's head with a competitive seems bombproof. The push from Iniesta Van Bommel after he brutally crushed his ankle will not even be punished with a lack, speaks clearly of the trend towards moderation of this group.


- Dutch Soccer I said what I thought at the time . A team with aspirations to be world champion built his game on the basis of long pasecitos the star of the team for it to seek life, I find it shameful. What I know was that a country we tend to admire both possess that ability to make victimhood and glimpse conspiracies. Sound familiar? The kicks will not talk.

Global History

- We sixth, just one point of England. It is a magnificent place.


Except for the first goal for Villa to Honduras, all others have occurred in the goal that was left of our heads of viewers.


- It could happen again . Having kicked Xabi Alonso, as well as many other sets chilling, costs believe that FIFA does not embark on the task of safeguarding the health and even life, of the players. Shame.

SENTENCE: " if you have to suffer, suffer, but at least the protagonist is the goalkeeper in the end, the better. " Iker Casillas before the game. As you were, friend, and all who dream of being in your place once, you made us very happy.

Thanks to all who have followed the blog this past month. It was very nice to see that this is not just an exercise in onanism.

PS For the next post, and since everyone has promised something to win the World Cup, I promise to apply the rules that the SAR with the accents. He received no publicity (he has two years now) and do not disrupt learning stand that I have embedded in the head from 5 of GBS, but I'm very academic and standards are to be kept.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Arish Hair Oil Review

Write my name into your heart, "Write my name into your heart" el nuevo album de Vuelta a Turquia

The long wait is over, the secrets that surrounded this new production have been discovered Tarkan. This week opens the new album of Tarkan that will be called Yaz
Adımı Kalbine
As you've noticed it had added a countdown to the site and now the countdown ends showed us that today begins the week of release the new album.

Tarkan is more than ready to release the album, which will occur on 16 July.
The album features 11 tracks of which 6 are new topics, others will Remixes by Kıvanç K, Ozan Colakoglu, Suat Ateşdağlı, Gürsel Çelik.

Among the new songs we hear:
-Op (kiss)
-Acımayacak (do not hurt)
-Kayip (lost)

The album featured collaborations with Günay Coban, Sezen Aksu and Ozan Colakoglu great composer.

The first single will be "Adımı Kalbine Yaz" (I write my name in your heart), which will premiere during this week on radio stations
The song's video will air on 16 July

end of 2010 will be released the second part of the album, which will be very different from the first

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Drink 2 Danactives A Day

Spain World Cup 2010: World To Us

name was, or is called Pepe. Pepe Rojas, specifically. One day, apropos of nothing, not party through or anything, was presented in class with something really hard to see: the computer (no one called him gear) full of "Spain." In boots and all.

Pepe was stupid. Or not. What happens is that I still had not learned the word "repellent", better defining Pepe. That's right. Repellent. An ugly child with the face of flan that used to boast of the goods that gave him the tourist bazaar his family that morning monopolized everyone's attention with its team of "Spain", even though we all knew it came from that kind of store "Ceuta". I remember a dead silence in the class dyed green. Respect, admiration ... envy. And that that shirt, those trousers and those means were not Adidas! I do not remember in my childhood seeing any original equipping of Spain. Who wanted a football shirt was more than a store Sports, a costume. The elastic-to say something, they had no shield had to buy it separately and then sewn together. Guess not, but I have the feeling that Pepe, even without a shield, he spent the entire morning in the middle of the class, such was the general astonishment. Everyone wanted to be Pepe, with his whore mother.

a couple of years ago I walked into the store to see if it was or, rather, to determine whether, even when it would be able to recognize. I thought so, but I came close third by not being sure, third because he was very busy, not to stay third Ironing receiving the classic response "because I do not remember you. "And is that twenty-six or twenty years (talk about that time, do accounts) the business was in a good place, but it turns out that this same site is now much better. Just the hotel right next to Ana Torroja in the heart of Tarifa. I saw that selling football teams, but there he was, dispatching boats Delial, cheap flip flops and the like.

repellent I'd like to see Pepe and hug. I no longer friends with whom he shared the saga of Malta, and may Pepe, of all the suckers around me at the 1 º A morning after that feat, were alone, with me, do not lay the break, when the score indicated a meager 3-1. "- How do you not let him? How do I command you to sleep? " I repeated over and over again the next day. I did not understand anything.

One afternoon, after school, and my mother walking in Tarifa, I saw Pepe. This time he was accompanied by two other kids in my class, Raul (I), the classic chulito blond bangs and Jesus, a chubby and plump type unenviable either. All three, however, went with his team "of Spain." A name fails me, because I remember the blond guy saying something like " this is Alexander, but always tell Alexanco." I was speechless. I wanted that team. My mother protested and asked what were these kids dressed "of Spain" instead of taking the shirt of Cadiz, which was what I had brought the Kings. But to me I did not care Cadiz, from Tarifa I stayed away and, yes, I was in first that year, but I do not know very well what it was or even had first learned to love it. Instead, "to Spain," yes.

Many of us have as first memory clear the scoring football in Malta. Before, I can guess bits unfocused disappointment. The voice of my grandfather appellant (" the English are not bad ... "), a man with black hair, handsome, moving spasmodically in the small area with a green and black shirt, a serious monotone voice coming out of television and a kind of global disillusionment and resignation. It was the World 82. My head keeps only some loose feelings and images, which is not little, but not enough.

I beg your pardon, but this post is a tribute to all those who, from that game, we realized that something big was coming even though that is not important, even when we are not going to change life much or too little , but nothing but the English team could provide the highest doses of ecstasy football and sports, for which we dating as disappointing as the European Championship 88 (still have not found anyone to share how to start a daily supplement a photo 1x1 cm Vialli's head and burned on the terrace with a lighter), non-qualifying Euro 92, the tedious friendlies and qualifying matches, the exasperating was Clement, who only defended those who simply wanted to win as soon as possible, without waiting for a cyclical change or anything. Win. Win. In the next. Always waiting. Always on the edge. Always mediated by the injustice and lack of competitiveness.

not for me to eject anyone from this forum, but do not give those alluded get on the car now. This is ours, who never lost hope, that when others talked about the dismissal of Toshack tried, unsuccessfully, to change the subject by proposing a Irureta as coach. People is now gone, he left without this equipment will provide a joy, not vitally necessary, but hey, what good would have come, like my grandfather, the father of J. as A., who had time to enjoy the victory two years ago in Vienna. It's also people who can not tip on the screen as I would like two or three people who wish you well. Wait

Netherlands. No matter win, but if we win better. More of that another day. Now playing otherwise.

said that Raul had left (or Alexander), Pepe and Jesus back. My mother had been wondering why no T-Cádiz. In these protests. Months later, my grandfather bought a pair of shields in Sports Play, the sports shop longed Cornet Soto Guerrero. One was plastic, very shabby, the truth, the other was embroidered, very cool. My grandmother sewed the red shirt. My team had not long overdue. I guess that was purchased in the store of Pepe. Still I keep it. And I would not change by any miserable Fred Perry. You may not for a kiss from the skinny, hear. And it is that football, gentlemen, it is.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Paper Bag Hats Restaurant

2010: The language of success. History, vertigo risk, envy, fear World


- Spain is the first champion of Europe to agree to the semifinals of a World Cup since he succeeded the French Platini, Luis Fernandez, Tigana and Stopyra Mexico 86 . That team, with a lively and dynamic football gave a lesson to Brazil in the quarterfinals, was felled by a German as gray as efficient. A classic.


- It is sad to admit it, but was caused more by the arbitration Batres of Guatemala for purely football. Although I must say that the goal of Paraguay was well nullified and the penalty of Pique properly punished (the South American asking for red ...) I'm afraid the game was the play of Paraguay as it brought to Valdez, not Cardozo, although offside positional had an indirect relationship with the play. Both da

because estridentres Batres errors did not end there, being much more serious reading of the regulation on the penalty caused by Villa, with subsequent excess was the maximum sentence repetition and absenteeism and assistant judge from Cesc caught the rebound. In two minutes, Paraguay could have been nine, or ten and losing, but perhaps with the mess the scoreboards Batres noticed that the release stopped by Casillas had entered the area up to four English players. We'll never know. As we do not know if maybe it was more decisive for the fate of the party who never set limits to deal with hard-American game in midfield, which is particularly frustrating for creating lines of the English.

- If there were two players who touch the ball, providing the feeling that something big could happen, certain that the game would change, they were Villa and Iniesta. The Spaniard's talk about the growth of our game, that for the first time, presents a serious candidate with options to finish as top scorer in the world. Peter also noted that in the few minutes that he found many holes arranged to exploit their power in the Paraguayan defense crazy.


- Start between critics and fans worried that Torres can not be relieved by the minute 60. Growing feeling that they give two-thirds of the party, relying on physical recovery and, above all, soul-which, it seems, no longer come. Personally, I have the firm conviction that Torres will vest in the next game; Del Bosque is very careful with the shades, and Liverpool striker has only stated that he has, but that "ownership is not guaranteed." Still, I have my doubts, precisely because Germany is a team that can offer more holes, a selection with which the Spaniard could enjoy long pass alternatives that can offer Xabi Alonso.


- Maradona was afraid to face Spain. And, most likely, lint envy as their low standard check will not let you ever build a team as balanced.

- opinion English in general and football in particular taciturn planet, it had sworn to Casillas to have a pretty girlfriend. Fuck That . Time puts everyone in place, luckily.


- The team of Vicente del Bosque has broken down the walls of the rooms in the world. We said the other day that was not enough to have won the European Championship, a World Cup has its own stress. On Saturday, the selection was about to add a new history frustration because of anxiety. Fortunately, the quality of this team has, for the first time, a larger size than its ghosts.

- Now Germany and Spain football speak the same language, one that prioritizes the talent and creativity on the destruction and dense webs defensive. Demolished the complex, and with the successful history of the Vienna final, coupled with low Müller, I think we will finally face the best English team. Will be a nice party and who happens to pass, the finals will have a football team that will be a title.


- History, vertigo risk, envy, fear. Without these things there is no life. As in love. As, I suppose, they Casillas will and Carbonero, who, of course, is dedicated this post.

PS is that I do not know what else to say ...

Friday, July 2, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Rihanna

2010: "Favorite? Damn ... World

Netherlands 2 - Brasil 1

unlikely that the solid block of Dunga has been left surprised by this gang of mediocrities that drags the historic orange shirt of Holland. On a level playing field in a sorry state and does not remember from the end of 78, Holland has been enough to unhinge his very short code to eleven Brazilian. For what are the sad inheritors of Clockwork Orange but a gray band of lackeys in the service of Robben and Sneijder?

is the Netherlands team that set limits to exploit the qualities of the Bayern player, a guy certainly skilled, but little else. Well, yes it is something else, it probably is, thanks to the Madrid press, the player with the most inflated talents of recent times, and that merely to do over and over again the same play, which, in first time, learned to counteract smooth behind Rio. Sneijder What is even more unsettling, this is an outstanding faults and punch a guy with a remarkable shot from outside the area. End Holland insist, has nothing more (among other things because not) and noting the limitations shown by the tulips along the first time and the undisputed control exercised by Brazil on the game, the end result seems even more extavagante.

course anything is possible when a team is that everything, including defense, are wisps. When, despite giving up the history and tradition of the school's most recognizable and talented football world, a set as predictable as the one led by Van Marwijk is able to open up a hole at the first opportunity because of an error of understanding child from behind and finish. When the center of defense is not anyone that mitigates the grumpy de Lucio, a kind of iron to the Brazilian. When none of the leaders are unable to cope with setbacks, some, by their unspeakable parsimony, like Kaka, others by the excess returns that are led quickly to the obfuscation, if Robinho. And above all, when you insist on lining up a perfect fool as Felipe Melo, chief architect of the elimination of canarinha after starring autoexpulsión class that makes you want to take sides and the team's victory belongs to the poor fellow victim of aggression.

That's football in this World Cup in South Africa. The first team is a semifinalist table is limited to waiting for inspiration or individuality to hit with some Centrito thread. Then talk about the crisis of the English school or revocation of the way of understanding the Italian soccer. Well, I would have preferred either of those two teams in the semifinals. At least, I would have ensured a bit of personality, epic, virility, grit, Truth ...

says very little of Brazil, Dunga, not having found a way to beat the Dutch, but indirectly we should help take the reality of the current stage. One where, finally, only one team playing football the way it should. And it is not pretty or ugly, but to be consistent with the qualities of the players who treasures the country. After you have seen today, this team is required to win the competition.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

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2010: The change we all

The other day we asked, or demanded the team a shot of authority. Well, now we're where no champion of Europe, except Germany at 98, has made it in the last five FIFA World Cups. The best thing you can say about Spain is that is drawing the classic upward curve of the teams that go far, winning teams, that is, increasingly being themselves and winning with overwhelming superiority, but without anger, with sensitivity and magnanimity, as with the gentle caress to Xavi gave the ball before it reached the unmarked Villa, a touch that disabled for a few centimeters a Spaniard to finish, but so subtle that Xavi capped by five players, it was impossible to perceive for the line. Click the image, is slightly larger and clearer.

Viewed from the plane of mind, the win against Portugal is comparable to victory on penalties against Italy two years ago. I was supposed to cross with Portugal in the quarter and try to measure the mental strength of the group with the crossing, but the fact of playing against Carlos Queiroz in the second round does not negate the experiment, since the combination has sufficient luso entity, history and quality to establish itself as the type of pitfall Spain has not traditionally been able to overcome. If we go back to the classic 1986 and the frontier world of Mexico, it is precisely in that meeting where we can find an opponent in the second round, Denmark, with a weight comparable to that of the Portuguese. I'm talking about computers that break has been achieved. Switzerland (U.S. 94) and Eire (Korea and Japan 2002) were more or less worthy adversaries, but with the correct distance from each round. With the Irish suffered stupidly. Today that would not happen.

Be very careful with Paraguay, a team absolutely mediocre, but, as mandated by your school, will be enclosed and provide firewood, oxygenated by the fact that the cards and not count towards the semifinals. His encounter with Japan was the worst so far in the world. And there have been games look bad. Had to pass them, of course, after a tie, zero of course, and penalties. Remember, also, as the Paraguayans, led by Chilavert, Gamarra and Ayala, a paragon of footballing talent show and we embittered the World Cup in France 98 (no, it was the hand of Zubi with Nigeria, the defeat of the first game was hopeless winning the second, this time as the setback has been resolved Switzerland) thanks to a bus which are burned into memory.

should not be a problem earning the South Americans, but will be a party suffered. Prior to 16 June, we knew we had the equipment but not very clear that we have alternatives. It showed that Spain had Plan B and Plan C with Honduras and Chile. Now, in addition, we are confident that we coach. Del Bosque has gone from being the wise-man-who-knows-manage-the-legacy-of-Louis-Aragon-without-touching-you-and-run, to win the ultimate respect of critics and public itself, thanks to changing misunderstood by Torres Llorente. We expected the foreseeable, the logical, natural thing: the arrival of Cesc. Arsenal renounce the brain seemed little more than a suicide, but in two minutes the lanky striker had changed Rioja the game with his mere presence, popcorn embedded between the two central, controlling the ball brilliantly to wait and go to Xavi, Iniesta and Villa, who came as suicide bombers from behind. The Portuguese defense was already crazy, on the other hand, chasing Fernando Torres, heeling to the right, and sometimes to the left, as in the play based on that of the Villa goal against Honduras, who was about to open the marker. The Guaje, meanwhile, had opened the field for the left side at the expense both leaving the team without nine, but cause a glaring embarrassment that was definitely behind Sticking with input from Athletic Bilbao player. There is great merit

achieve a goal against a team that had drilled 870 minutes without seeing his goal, something that should have happened before in the absence of the excellent performance of Eduardo. We

team, we have alternatives, we coach, we need leadership, moral leadership, when playing the three small people, and we have a new world figure. Villa is eating the tournament, having access to all sorts of positions auction, surprising from a distance, up close, dizzy with his constant diagonal pass offering alternatives ... His tiraz the squad just might be repelled by the inspired Portuguese goal. It would have been just reward for a man, to have a minimum of fortune, can reach becoming the first English goalscorer in the history of the world. And justice for Torres. It has not stopped growing. Beware

Paraguay. And if we go, whatever comes after will be very difficult, whether Argentina or Germany. Argentina goes unstructured, without tactics and a weak defense, Messi exercised Di Stefano and, yes, are there to Veron clogging, which is always good news. Germany is confident, proud look in the mirror and look more beautiful than ever, but a team with a tendency to trembling like ours, perhaps you would rather deal with that before which got its first title in forty-four years. Más, teniendo en cuenta que el sistema español es una referencia para Löw, que es la nuestra la escuadra referencial. Paciencia. Ya queda menos.