Saturday, February 19, 2011

Women Wrestling Sat On Pin

2011 European tour visiting

Tarkan will begin a tour on April 3 in Europe, as part of promoting the new album "Adimi Kalbine Yaz"

The official dates are: April 3

Stuttgart Porsche Arena April 16 Paris Le Zenith
April 21 Münih Zenihthalle
23 Amsterdam Heineken Music Hall April 24 April
ISS DOME Düsseldorf Frankfurt Jahrhunderthalle

April 29 April 30 Berlin Max-Schmeling-Halle
Bregenz Messehalle May 6 May 8 June
Ethias Arena Hasselt

For more information please visit our official site tour is:

Here the official Trade:

Abiotic Factors Of The Great White Shark

A withdrawal time: tempt turns off (for a while) Taxi Driver

Well, as many people nearby know already, I will not write for an indefinite time. It will be especially unlikely to write about music, a field trial whose mechanisms do not think I've come to understand enough to go around making public my views. After a little while considerable, more than ever I do not know what the word independent. I am also glad I got rid of work "in what I like" something tells me that would be far more bitter work "in what I like" ... And I think that's impossible, at least in this country. The other option, much more likely, be a freak, in which case do not think it advisable to continue sticking your head too.

Well, maybe back someday. As I said the other day to a highly respectable rate, one in which not to explain why you like or G Men headers series of Mike Post. While, yes, I will continue working with the UAC, as I've done lately. The latter was the demo competition, with Catalan and Jesus Serván Salvador, where we decided it was time that a hip-hop finally enjoyed some recognition. Little more personality to the show lately the pop-rock groups.

But there is hope! They are La Bien Querida, El Guincho, Pony Bravo The Granadians, Delorean ...!

more than two months ago I sent my last text to FREEK! for my section on the things that people do not recognize it does, say, hear or love. Was dedicated to Santi Carrillo and RDL, I think, after that, you can not write anything else for that section. Besides, I found more issues out of the closet. I leave it there.

Anyway, I can only say thank you to all who have followed this blog for so long. I'm not going to name because this is not the Goya Awards ceremony and, after all, we speak frequently and know of my gratitude.


This space has two years of life. To celebrate, I decided to dedicate the guy who raises the most controversy among music fans in this country. Did I say controversy? Not always. Many times, cynical indifference, as a postmodern Cultureta guidelines is to make every effort to convince his party that the subject of the conversation brings al fresco. And that ultimately the man walks more than successful. Clearly uncomfortable, as always. Now he has taken to claim that hordes of young creators vampirism via the Internet to no other purpose than the accumulation by the accumulation and using the most varied pitch, embezzlers and embarrassing loopholes, pay attention to the fact that, hey, would not hurt the poor reward being that one day he turned on the light bulb. But of course, that's too reactionary. For the breed of new (and self appointed) defenders of individual liberty and all that the Anonymous rabble-these
Santis Carrillos should be considered a subspecies of children, will fill your mouth with ideas far left and then sold to petty bourgeois temptations. In fact, despite all talk of a music publishing director. At this level, our guy can feel (too) proud of the progress made since taking the reins of Rockdelux ... ... because they do not understand the last twenty years of independent music without the head, though for many it has become the most unspeakable of your guilty pleasures and if we talk about it, is almost always to throw garbage on it. Take a look at the current drift of the alternative pop aesthetic via lists 2010-not in that magazine, but any medium. Will see how, little by little, it will set the proposed publication of Barcelona. So much so that some (very few, I see people very happy), we feel increasingly uncomfortable in the circuit because it seems invaded either by the glanders, or by an eclecticism as fake and tiresome. Meanwhile, Santi Carrillo shelling is now devoted to editorials about Pet Shop Boys, Edwyn Collins, Eels, The Ex ... It's funny, and not without significance, which take several months hard hitting pop orthodoxy. And is that what little angry like and how much, even for those who will spend Christmas Eve in the kitchen pouring into others. A little late. Some of us go, but we can not fail to recognize that our life would not be the same without everything we learned with the ranting RDL or we catch you with it. Continue to enjoy uninhibited, gentlemen. We will be watching.