Monday, November 29, 2010

Imtitle I-catcher Cotcher Comsole- Web Monitor

My Library

In my library there is no double glazing. Of Me. Today, the sound of rain serves as a barrier to the street buzz. He had not heard the rattle so characteristic of the crystals.
It's cold. Always cold in the library. There are small hot air diffusers and a couple of friends put a close while closing a shutter. Closing a shutter ... What confusion! I'd rather put on my coat before closing a shutter.

My library is not just about anyone. It is small and, although it is in the center, is a tad away from the circuits kicked, so many people do not repair it or forget. So one has the feeling of being in a time far removed from one in which heads of state seek the illiteracy universal Traviata with subterfuge resultón formal education.

One gets the feeling that, when turning a corner (the room is set around the courtyard) are going to find Celia, which again punished for behaving insolently, thousand copies Sometimes a universal principle in his notebook: " Julian Assange is a selfless philanthropist who just wants the good of humanity ... Julian Assange is a selfless philanthropist who just wants the good of humanity ... . " Celia feels rebellious and true to itself, ie insolent, emphasizing the "one", but, being well aware that the arrogant are others, and has prepared its response . Then, of course, the call twee, but this is already used.

way out, a cat looks surprised me from a window because it provides a street fight a few young people who shout a lot. Celia I disappear and also Anastasio and his friends , who went above moneando.

few minutes later, I bump into a cheesy dress. Vi

life better and I did not like.

All this to leave you with this classic by Antonio Machado, one of these poems previously appeared in the book Path, and then in another book, and then another. It would be fun to go down the street asking for less than twenty years if they have ever heard something other than content Machado transversal

A chilly and overcast afternoon
winter. The students
monotony of rain against the window.

the class room. In a sign
Cain is shown
fugitive y muerto Abel,
junto a una mancha carmín.

Con timbre sonoro y hueco
truena el maestro, un anciano
mal vestido, enjuto y seco,
que lleva un libro en la mano.

Y todo un coro infantil
va cantando la lección:
"mil veces ciento, cien mil;
mil veces mil, un millón ".

Una tarde parda y fría
de invierno. Los colegiales
estudian. Monotonía
de lluvia tras los cristales.

P.S. Sí, esto parece una entrada del blog de Eva Marín. Y yo, un autor de coros en el carrusel haciéndole guiños a otro autor de coros.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Alberta To Ontario License Exchange

FREEK rain! November (and IV): They - Fred i Son - Annuals

Here left " The Third Degree" to They and criticism of Fred disk i are , a small bomboncillo.


Questioned from the zero point for the most severe instances of criticism, the duo Madrid, supported by the unwavering loyalty of hundreds of millions of fans, it has been portraying itself as a "guilty pleasure". After the hard-disk-third, jumping to maturity, comes the leap to adulthood with Severe Heart. We put a little poke in the eye to mustard with our third grade.

- "what's yours has no name" ... "Neither I nor do I care" ... Are you of what there is?

what I'm there, of course. As the whole world.

- Your last album was called "What happened to them." Is it more important now for you Consuelo Berlanga Carlos Berlanga?
Consuelo, my mother, how ridiculous was so awful in the latest edition of survivors. What was Consuelo Berlanga.

- And again, "Severe Heart." Does the title of Santi? Are you giving him after so many years without let him talk?
No, it's me who makes the headlines, but always discuss it with him. Not that I will not let you speak, is that he prefers to talk me always.

- Where he took off his ring mistress of "The Ring"? Was he, in essence, a pro song birth?
was a wedding ring, we are not far-fetched. If you talk to fuck, yes, that song is fucking.

- Is it true that Sam went to play for Guti sometimes? "The good was he? Santi
hates football as much or more than me.

- For if ye would a white shirt, you could go through the modern version of Kaka, Guti ... But have you disappeared from the front. And two years ago decided to go out blurred. "New humility? "Maturity? "Barriga? "Wrinkles?
No, I do not like, we never liked. Luckily we remain quite well, if you want you can check at any of our concerts.


Diu SAP not
vol Sones / Pias

Elisenda Xavi Daura and Rosés
, two musicians of wide experience in the hectic scene in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bare the original impetus for this delicate project, despite its traditional appearance and naive, it does offer a faithful portrait robot (another) of the maturity of which enjoy artists from all over the country. With the addition to the pair of bassist Xesc Cabot, training took on a casual no composition Yolatenguiforme . And in this album going to find much of the spa-practicing rock trio from Hoboken, as he recreates the sound melodic tradition Donosti. Listening to "Diu vol SAP not" sometimes one has the feeling Aramburu that left some loose themes compounds in Catalan, not only by the misty air, the whispering voice and rhythmic guitarrilla in the background, but the letters of cuts like "Plensa of life" ("young bodies filled of life are twisted with emotion ") or" Fer a volt "(" back through the woods, where you can step on many leaves of all colors) but the listener could choose other names like Le Mans , The Good Life or Aventuras de Kirlian . Fred are i would not be the same without "Minimus", the project concluded Sones performed to bring the children all kinds of music, and seems to recognize the job training with a small, honest and friendly, and also some issue as "petit Príncep ", with the script contained in the eternal book boa Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . Special mention for the cover, a point of cross signed by Henry Ramos .


Annuals Count the rings
Souterrain Transmissions / Banter

Although not as well known in our country and other contemporary training labeled on the scene afroindie, Annuals were among the first to be launched to rediscover the sounds explored by Dr. Paul Simon Livingstone in the eighties. Unlike most of his generation, this sextet of North Carolina did not seem to find shelter in the rhythms and cadences of black to approach the two sides that are often associated with the label: the whiplash effective (and legitimate) to track dance, as they say he has done lately Dover , Right? - Or experiment. No, Annuals, published for the first time in Europe, well thought, how silly this latter phrase, in the classical sense - oh, well! - Is limited simply to compose pop-folk songs that are of Negroid arrangements. I sense that the judges of the credibility of the new sounds of the XXI century and will not seem real, or risky, or anything, but if we think the reverse (African roots more pop-rock arrangements) would not see in the schoolyard the class smartass flipping to his walkman? The combo, led by multi-instrumentalist Adam Green has prepared their assault on Europe gathering in This "Count the rings" six of the pearls that made "Such Fun" (v. Freek! N º 50) as "Hot Night Hounds" and "Springtime", and adding some of the caliber of "Eyes in the darkness", the part responsible for opening the disc, for those who want to try, you can download from the website of the seal. FOUR


Monday, November 22, 2010

Full Body Rash After Taking Mucinex

FREEK! November (III) - Edwin Collins and Olof Arnalds

I loved the album by Edwyn Collins. Addictive. Edwyn Collins

Losing sleep

Heavenly / New Media

A record that leaves the impression that Collins could paraphrase Sergio Algora , saying "your head is irreplaceable." That we are safer than ever, thanks to an album that grows listening to hear, which clings to the ear thanks to the good offices of his, forgive the repetition, the architect, but also of the chosen collaborators, including one not know whether he would prefer the old guard or honors students present their father with exciting artistic respect and reverence, giving rise to glorious results. I remember, uh, to when Kiko Veneno who surrounds himself around ... and is that not everyone knows who surround enclose it. The constellation is composed of, eye, Roddy Frame, who brings his acoustic elegance with "All my days"; Johnny Marr, contributing to the composition and chants of "Come tomorrow, come today" The Drums , giving a small boost to the teacher to give birth to a song that combines the best of old and new school, an instant classic like "In your eyes"-the kind of topic that probably would like to compose Bono to but not out; Ryan Jarman (The Cribs) allowed one lucky double thanks to the resounding "What is my role?" Pearl and another snapshot of the disk, such as "I still believe in you", while Alex Capranica and Nick McCarthy of Franz Ferdinand -the group with which many find to Orange Juice - collaborate with "Do it again." An album so complete as the present one is always left in the inkwell other names and songs. Descúbranlos.


Olof Arnalds

Innundir skinnier
Houston Party Second

throughout this ex instrumentalist Mum. Speak Iceland and I will allow the topic, that kind of folk sensibility is so characteristic of the island, where technical skills are not bragging with the emotions on the edge of endurance. coupled by Björk, who collaborates on "Surrender", produced by Kjartan Sveinsson , Sigur Ros keyboardist , Arnalds Icelandic flag the new scene.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Money Tree Wedding Shower Invitation

Freek November (III): The New Ramon: Interview and Meeting Epes


The world upside down. Now those who remember or Ghouls'n'Ghosts Madee are a minority. So startling has been the emergence of Ramon Rodriguez draft, only two and a half years has been to put order with a compilation

Now that it's been a while since your first solo album and there is a certain perspective, what feelings do you have? Do you see it as an experiment, something compatible with your other two projects or something that little by little, will be imposed?

Currently my main project has already been imposed. Now I have new projects and above the give and terminated, while part of the past needed to do what I'm doing now.

¿Crees que le queda alguna vida sin consumir al pequeño emo que llevas dentro?

Aún me quedan unas cinco. Donde estén la familia y los amigos y sigan publicando buenos libros y cómics que seguir leyendo hay vida para rato.

No sé si estarás de acuerdo conmigo, pero a mí me parece que todo fue ocurriendo muy poco a poco. Al principio, casi nadie te hizo caso, pero un año después tu primer disco largo era imprescindible. Ahora creas una expectación del carajo con cada cosa que haces, pero no parece agobiarte.

Tienes razón. Puede que el secreto radique en que no esperaba absolutamente nada de toda esta historia, así que cualquier cosa typically has been happening quite surprised me. If burden is because I usually do the things I crave and soil that no longer make them.

You worked with many people in recent months and looks forward to your album with Richard Nixon and Vicente Francisco. Would you like someone else to add your resume? You could do a tour in a few years type Ana, Victor, Mike Rivers and Joan Manuel.

Ja, ja, ja! Look, I do another experiment with Miguel Rivera (Maga), we recorded a whole album soon. This time, hand in hand and playing both the instruments. What kind of a tour of "We Are the World" because I have not so clear.

What you said in this paragraph taken from the blog of Francis Nixon? "In the first film Conan the Barbarian, the bad says a phrase that has great wisdom:" Conan, I see you've become a master swordsman. I, too, when I was young, I followed the path of steel, but what is steel compared to the hand that wields it? "I was young also followed the path of steel, there freaking out with my guitar and my distortion and my band. But what is that compared to telling a story and touch the hearts of the people? "

Fran is a Jedi Master, you have to listen much. Joking aside, the first "Conan", that of John Milius, is a masterpiece of cinema, there it is. There

public is at your records because you're BCore. And there are those who do not discover until later because you're BCore. "The referee gives and takes away? Are more open seals or you're an exception to be a longtime colleague?

I have no answer to this question.

Speaking of the future, what do you think will give you experience with Frank and Richie? And you to them?

Good company, wisdom and fun.

(*) Photo facebook is stolen from The New Raemon.

New Raemon

Epes Meeting


two and half years ago, "About Garfunkel" appeared as a whim of the singer and Ghouls'n'Ghosts Madee a passenger to get oxygen to project a song something more intimate, delicate and close. That trend has reversed and now it sounds weird to imagine is the Ramón Rodríguez in front of one of those bands, speaks well to clear the strength and quality of songs delivered by the Catalan musician along this means five years. Here can be found "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and "Lent", the Eps that in his day and only on vinyl, came to complement the long drives, confusing, also with them in time. For if there is one thing that everyone agrees when he speaks in praise of Ramon is that incontinence composition that characterizes it, because, last but not least, the collection of extras we have added new ídems. Of these, highlight the version of "Aquest cony de temps", which boldly claims Ramon a great musician as Lluís Gavaldà not always enough rated from the inextricable courts Catalan intelligentsia and the "mess" conducted by the unusual Manos de Topo with "substitutes." Yes, definitely, I think the new life of Ramón could illustrate this classic angry husband and firecracker: "Do I want to explain why we buy a new sofa if we had was good? Although, on second thought ... hmmm ... how convenient ... how you say it was the sofa before you? "FOUR Freeks

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Japaness Molested In Public

FREEK! November (II): Interview Saints

copied and pasted version the full interview with Earl for FREEK! The album review at the end of this other post . SANTOS


a matter of many, one of the most pleasant surprises of the past Monkey Week. For those not familiar with the scene of Malaga, the Saints have been a genuine divine revelation. Its leader, Count, helps us to interpret the gospel.

1. For those who do not know the scene Malaga and suddenly we are struck by a piece of the group, it seems, is made up stories live there explicadnos where you go out and, especially, who is Earl.

Well, it's a long story. The truth is that musicians are very concerned and we have long been urging the city's musical scene. I have had some bands in the lively historical Málaga, I have worked with many musicians half the world (The Who, Roxy Music) but I'm not someone who thinks too much in the past. Let's say my race is long, long, and includes bands such as Mosquito, House, Series B or Harry Octopus, among others.

other hand, we are all interesting projects. Both Alvaro Gastmans (bass) and Tristan Ulla, Israel Calvo (guitars) and Claudio Tamer (drums) have solo projects and collaborating with other musicians. This nourishes rubber Santos gives us a lot of vitality and inventiveness. Anyway, let's say we are a group of hyperactive musicians where you can find Argentine, Belgian and English. I compose the songs, but we are a close-knit band with the same interests.

2. That is, there is a lot swallowed and digested. In some places I've seen it defined as punk, maybe because you come from there.

Actually, musically I think we have very little punk. We are a pop band, but perhaps the most important legacy he left us is not punk music, but the attitude. I think there indeed that we are related. It is also true that we come from that scene. Punk marked us at the time (perhaps some more than others) and may continue to grow this seed within us. Say Santos rubber is a more traditional band on record, we are more pop and our live closer to the Rock `n` Roll of a lifetime.

3. In any case, there is an amazing facility for the construction of catchy tunes like "Life in a Blog" or "She's Vespino", to cite just two examples. I am among those who think "the powder, we can not be ...- punk song one without a good melody behind ...
As I mentioned before, I think that punk is just a philosophy, is more than a musical style. Actually many of the greats of punk that did nothing but pop songs played accelerated and more savvy. In fact, punk rock came to claim the virtues of pop, instrumental simplicity, which lasted three little minutes of songs and musicians to put aside the straw mental and dedicate themselves to playing for the public and not for themselves. These are some of the secrets of pop. And then there are the songs ... But that's the most complicated.

4. To me your album sounds very English: Mom, Nacha Pop, Los Secretos ... Very of that wave. It was a long time since I heard so many songs that were so fresh and so truly pop. From time groups were called "assemblies", which my mother still does. Do you feel particularly identified with any of these names or another not been said? What current one which you feel in the same league?

Honestly, I am very surprised to find those references (and I'm flattered), because we thought we sounded closer to the Beach Boys, Flaming Lips and Air, but it's great to discover that each listener has a different interpretation of sound songs. In fact, when one frees his creature, each makes his own and that is one of the best things about the songs, which no longer belong to their creators and all we can do ours, because they really are ours. I think all these bands you mention have a fundamental thing in common with us: The taste for well-made tunes, in the traditional way, and I am proud that we compare with bands how are you, because although we think otherwise, are bands that we grew and we learned a lot.

5. Live, however, you sound like a lot more powerful than on disk. More rockers. So much that I remember with forgiveness, The Troglodytes! Forceful guitars wrapped round songs.

Hahahaha! Well, you need not apologize for that. I'm friends with Sabino Méndez and is a great composer. I do not want to speak ill of anyone, but I think Loquillo and I do not seem in any way. Well, maybe where they exceed six feet and we are human, but nothing more. Another thing is the Troglodytes, which was a piece of R'n `R band, and if that's what you mean by your comparison, I think it's a great compliment. As I said before, we like the shows are hot and fun. Anyway, I guess that is the Rock, lol.

6. Why the title "Songs fog "for a disc so bright?

I know it's a contradiction, but I like playing against and not taking things for granted. It may be somewhat misleading, but I think there is an inner life in the songs, a life far more dark than it seems intuit to hear them. At least when I write them try to have several readings, I think the secret of the temporality of music is that under a simple facade you can find different layers, so that each listener is a bit different than the previous. Some also thought that dawn misty morning and at noon the fog lifts and the sun shines, is as great pop songs, ephemeral and beautiful, like a fog.

7. Sometimes your licks remind me of someone so uncomfortable to claim as Freddie Mercury. I happens on the bridge of "In the park," for example. Are you aware? Is it an ironic game? Sometimes, in the best sense, your voice reminds me of those used in off time the Muppets are a rock band.
It is certainly uncomfortable, but I think Queen did nothing wrong, have great songs, although it is true that they have many laughable. There is much irony in this. I am Ray Davies school on the issue of using sarcasm and irony in the songs. Humor is healthy I am very fond of music type Rocky Horror Picture Show and Phantom of the Paradise and I love the excess of Glam Rock, or the drama of Raphael or Jacques Brel. I guess all these things put them in a blender and see something like the way I play. I also love Serge Gainsbourg, but my favorite singer is Scott Walker.

8. With so much past, or call it maturity, how you see a group so sanote and honest as yours in a scene, The Independent, which is often dominated by a certain attitude to design? Do you feel like a sort of missing link? Where do you situate, although it is known that nobody likes labels?
We are a rock band and little else. I think we are quite modern band, although it is true that we are a bit in no man's land, or rather with one foot in each land. I do not see us as different, I think that deep down we are about indies with a sense of spectacle, adore the show.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chicco Replacement Stroller Tray

FREEK Goma! November (I): Love and Carlos Santos of Goma

I will upload my contents here FREEK ! November because, if miscalculated, my editors, friends and yet, they should be resting after beating the Monkey Week.

I've spent the shameful taste this month the figure of Charles of Love Maybe one of you does not sound. Yeah, man, yeah (oy, this is very Carlos del Amor) is that voice that always accompanies cultural news on the news of TVE.

acknowledge that it can be a controversial type (usually the case with the guys you spend personality) but in this case the question is given by the alleged emptiness of their pieces of information, which together with the unwavering attitude of happy- de-have-known journalist displays sometimes unbearable for many people. On facebook I found two groups of fans and two other opponents. The four have more or less the same number of people.

I think it's easy to attack, accuse, yes, banal, superficial. The question is always. How do you do? Did not realize that man, at least try to do something different every day? I remember, let me pass phrase Punset Eduardo, who said something like: "Everyone pay attention to the co-worker who is protesting, who complains constantly about everything, but disturb us, but we talked about it and took our time, but instead No one pays attention to the person who has taken care to beautify your balcony, and with it the city, placing a few geraniums. " "Corny? Maybe a little. So?

If it is to be corny, if I'm corny, for I will forgive. I will be, too, am from the provinces, but I like Carlos del Amor I like people facing the weight of routine, people seem to have faith that things can go better, not constantly engaged disappointed, to be back to all those who try to confuse the little disappointments everyday disappointments and showing the other cheek, always starting again and trying to do normal daily event unique. I stand by that, because making the news of culture can take two things: that the journalist was put in parallel physical and mental-space they occupy in the newscast (cornered in half a minute after the fourth hour of "sports") establishing a gray piece, flat, fill, or what ever happens, we are overwhelmed with several tons of scholarship.

Carlos is located in an equidistant position. Without overwhelming the personal data which, surely, not driving, but offering an exquisite content with wrap finish suggestive, sometimes even gets his piece was issued before sports. Sometimes it happens, sometimes wrong, sometimes it's funny because it looks like a character itself. If you do not risk, if not trying to be different every day, be safe, of course.
below, the critical disk Goma Saints. Tomorrow, the (long) interview with its lead singer.

Carlos speaks, so thin, always attentive to culture

If I think about the origins of "The News of the 2" I see a young Lorenzo Mila waving from inside one of his Ralph
Lauren . I still think and hear a deep voice, boycotted by cocks sometimes treacherous, owned by no one best fulfills the mission of this newsletter: freshness and closeness, phrases and simple, bidirectional communication ....

Years later, Carlos Love the voice, became visible. The young man who, apart from narrating the cultural news seemed to show some interest in them, appeared before us with its slender tipín a longer post eternal teenager in love with himself. Over the years, has achieved several successes, such as abandoning the constant tonnage affected eyebrow Michael Robinson can only do so without being irritating, and, most importantly, begin to be familiar to some viewers who do not leave at all indifferent.

The rock usually hate people who openly enjoys what he does, and Carlos del Amor is one of them. Enjoy as when Robert De Niro starring as a good time banalities. And it shows. And that's nice because, although it may sometimes snobbish or dapper, I love how someone tries to make his daily half minutes unrepeatable event.


fog Lyrics

Antenna Music Is the disc revelation of the year? Well, yes ... to the writer. Although Saints
Goma, together (with them is to use this word) made by veterans of the scene Malaga, shot left and right, from Dinarama to Calamaro, although there is not a hair of innovation in either twelve cuts that make up this refreshing mist songs. " If you are granted the gift of recycling wise to use it well do without complex, especially if the gift you give to outline a round parade of songs that sometimes refer to Bowie ("I am diminished"), other some outstanding students of the teacher, as Suede, what happens in "The Girl of Vespino" and "Do not kill the musician!", where the sinuous melodies and sensual arrangements , already Carriers of the best pop emotions, unite with the phrasing of Conde, who do not hide its debt to Brett Anderson , while "Rock & Roll Terminal" is a reflection of the "LSD" by The Beatles , and the final chorus of "Life in a blog" plagiarism, attention, " A new amore "Eros Ramazzotti ! It would be unfair to leave the trial of this album as a mere playground of influences, hence left for the final "In the Park", a pop whiplash, along with the aforementioned "My life in a blog", is the best card presentation of a group that comes to be in close coordinates (not accurate) which occupied name as Mom (mostly) and Secrets. First, show me that you can do a song with a beginning, end and contours, then deconstructs if you want. FOUR


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Sony Cameraclose Up

I Party I have 33

That's it. A and Two . Who want to come.