op op Official video!
After long wait, has released a new video clip for the song Tarkan op.
The video has been released today through Tarkan.com and the official account of the artist in Facebook and already has several copies! Enjoy!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Convert Jar Files To .ipa Files And Use It
Soon the music video for "op"
Tarkan announced through its official count Facebook found in post-production process for his latest music video for the song promoting op.
All this accompanied by a video clip gallery where we can see Tarkan smooking wearing an elegant suit.
take the post for an apology for taking to post news, the reason is that I a little busy, but it is but continue to enjoy your visit

All this accompanied by a video clip gallery where we can see Tarkan smooking wearing an elegant suit.

To view the full gallery, click "here" . Tarkan in this video announces the upcoming release of the video and the background we can see the video clip will look like.
take the post for an apology for taking to post news, the reason is that I a little busy, but it is but continue to enjoy your visit
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I Have A Red Spot On The End Of My Tongue
tempt Five years of Nudity and the inverse Stendhal Syndrome
Summer is still far from complete. In Cadiz continues hot and very heavy, for my part, I am of those who do not desist from going to the beach until it is completely impossible, but it is September and it's time to resume blogging activity.
The holiday period is used to return once more the reflection of the true value of certain professions. Or rather, the real demand for some specific trades, or activity related thereto, including society. A good example of this is journalism. Year after year, we see how the lack of depth news leads to despair professionals who are not enjoying their two or three weeks off. Thus, we find the newspapers full of trivia and news, we suppose, some editor will be considered "chilly, people do not want to worry." The question is whether it published the rest of the year has real relevance or, simply, is no more than that to which we have come, but do not want to go out there, but rather refer to the fact that, the desire to fill gaps, often are given a voice or echo characters or issues that otherwise never would get media presence.
This year we have seen again the absurd debate about nudity on the beaches of Cádiz. Last summer, I found perplexing how the matter had reached all corners of Spain. You could find someone, say, from Alicante was wondering if you had banned nudity in the Cadiz coast. The answer was automatic: "Is that on the beaches of Alicante is allowed?".
do not know what bug has bitten them to these groups of nudists or naturists, but as far as I know, nudity is not allowed in any beach in the country unless express authorization, such as, for example, among the largest sector in the south of Bologna and Punta Paloma. Still, in Cutting tacitly allowed Torregorda Area, though contrary to the express authorization of the standard ... until it stopped. The reaction of different groups and speakers (I always wonder how they decide who is the spokesman, the secretary, etc. of this type of organization) has been, naturally of órdago the big advantage that Valladolid Pisuerga passes to claim the right to sunbathe or to play spades with the turnip pendulón naked in all the beaches in the provincial capital, on pain of being declared the most retrograde and pious of Spain and from the authority given to these spokespersons.
Fortunately, this year the press has chosen not to make as much attention for much of last season, said which, I think the problem is that we are not able to come out and address this debate in a so sincere. And it is a mistake to consider further restrictions on nudity meet ancestral moral imperatives! For me-and for many people much wiser than I, many years ago that became a need for aesthetic to avoid running into people on the beach naked. Tacky enough, weekenders, flip flops, piercinigsmo, uñonegrismo, sandevids, crocs, pleats proud and evils of all kinds are suffering during the summer and to add new content to the chamber of horrors in which speculation and mismanagement tourism (and tourists) have turned the once elegant summer Cádiz peasantry in a bestiary that is more Bajun every August.
Let us be serious. Why is the general rule states that you must take the sun in a bathing suit, even a piece of cloth as a minimum-how much damage, by the way ...- a microtanga? Well because as would be most embarrassing and arbitrary, at the same Nazi something controversial, figure out what your body is annoying to the eye and thus, welfare and peace of others, opting for a blanket ban and run but face it at once: there is nothing sexual-moral scandal in all this, but aesthetic scandal. Keep it that way, I do not see the time until the autumn and start to repair my damaged retinas.

The holiday period is used to return once more the reflection of the true value of certain professions. Or rather, the real demand for some specific trades, or activity related thereto, including society. A good example of this is journalism. Year after year, we see how the lack of depth news leads to despair professionals who are not enjoying their two or three weeks off. Thus, we find the newspapers full of trivia and news, we suppose, some editor will be considered "chilly, people do not want to worry." The question is whether it published the rest of the year has real relevance or, simply, is no more than that to which we have come, but do not want to go out there, but rather refer to the fact that, the desire to fill gaps, often are given a voice or echo characters or issues that otherwise never would get media presence.
This year we have seen again the absurd debate about nudity on the beaches of Cádiz. Last summer, I found perplexing how the matter had reached all corners of Spain. You could find someone, say, from Alicante was wondering if you had banned nudity in the Cadiz coast. The answer was automatic: "Is that on the beaches of Alicante is allowed?".
do not know what bug has bitten them to these groups of nudists or naturists, but as far as I know, nudity is not allowed in any beach in the country unless express authorization, such as, for example, among the largest sector in the south of Bologna and Punta Paloma. Still, in Cutting tacitly allowed Torregorda Area, though contrary to the express authorization of the standard ... until it stopped. The reaction of different groups and speakers (I always wonder how they decide who is the spokesman, the secretary, etc. of this type of organization) has been, naturally of órdago the big advantage that Valladolid Pisuerga passes to claim the right to sunbathe or to play spades with the turnip
Fortunately, this year the press has chosen not to make as much attention for much of last season, said which, I think the problem is that we are not able to come out and address this debate in a so sincere. And it is a mistake to consider further restrictions on nudity meet ancestral moral imperatives! For me-and for many people much wiser than I, many years ago that became a need for aesthetic to avoid running into people on the beach naked. Tacky enough, weekenders, flip flops, piercinigsmo, uñonegrismo, sandevids, crocs, pleats proud and evils of all kinds are suffering during the summer and to add new content to the chamber of horrors in which speculation and mismanagement tourism (and tourists) have turned the once elegant summer Cádiz peasantry in a bestiary that is more Bajun every August.
Let us be serious. Why is the general rule states that you must take the sun in a bathing suit, even a piece of cloth as a minimum-how much damage, by the way ...- a microtanga? Well because as would be most embarrassing and arbitrary, at the same Nazi
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